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Electronic resources on subscription: databases and periodicals

Databases are electronic archives of resources, useful for researching a given topic or checking a bibliographic citation.

Electronic journals are serial publications in electronic format, and may or may not have a paper equivalent. They can be part of packages of publishers or disciplinary databases, or be individually subscribed.


Description, content, method of access

Content: the database contains balance sheets, financial, personal and commercial information, the historical series of data up to 10 years, indices and product sector for Italian companies and shareholdings; equity investments consolidated financial statements and IFRS financial statements.
Guide is available inside the databases.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

You must Logout (top right) at the end of the session, to allow other users to view the database.
 External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: Collection of 47 scientific titles, related to STM and Social Sciences. Coverage from the first issue available online.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions)


Description, content, method of access

Content: full text and bibliographic citations of articles from over 3,500 scientific economic and social science journals (many of which are peer-reviewed). It also allows access to other specialised sources, including e-books, Company Profiles, SWOT Analysis, Industry Reports, Case Studies e Market Research Reports.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: Cambridge University Press multidisciplinary academic journals.

You can restrict your search to the full-text magazines included in our subscription by checking the option under the search box "Only search content I have access to".

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: research platform that allows you integrated access to all online resources published by Giuffrè. You can carry out legal research (principles and sentences of all Italian courts, as well as EC judgments), legislative (national, regional and European legislation, the codes of the Italian Republic and the normative and regulatory documents of the public administration) and doctrinal (notes on sentencing and articles from the legal journals published by Giuffré).

It also contains the Journals Library (Giuffrè magazines in pdf form), the UNLIMITED Books Library (over 3,000 titles of the Giuffrè volume catalogue), the Encyclopedia of Law, Diritto&Giustizi@, i Portali:, L'Amministrativista, Il Fallimentarista, Il Familiarista, Il Penalista, Il Processo civile, Il Processo telematico, Il Societario Il Tributario, Ri.Da.Re.

To consult the individual specific resources, select them from the drop-down menu that opens from NETWORK at the top left.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address and click on link  Access by IP in the right-hand box.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: topics of general theory of law. Divided into 4 sections (civil, commercial, criminal, public) which allow you to have a complete picture (legislative, jurisprudential, doctrinal) on all the topics covered. The hypertext links in the items and correlation function allow you to consult the full text of rulings cited from the other sections of the database.

To consult this, access ONE Legal and from the blue horizontal menu select the specific item from the “Search by details” drop-down.

How to access from PCs on the University network and externally, for institutional users: log in using your university credential (those used for email).


Description, content, method of access

Content: journal that deals with labour issues from a legal, economic and sociological point of view.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians
After logging in at the top right, our orders are displayed. By clicking on the order number, you can see the relevant sheet with the possibility of accessing the pdf of the magazine.


Description, content, method of access

Content: online legal information newspaper. Included in Iusexplorer Giuffré.

How to access from PCs on the University network: Automatic login through recognition of IP address, by clicking on LOGIN at the top right and choosing LOGIN BY IP.
To use this single specific resource starting from the Iusexplorer general portal, select it from the drop-down menu that opens from NETWORK at the top left.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: abstracts of articles (including sentencing remarks, reviews, comments on legislation, conference papers, critical reviews) published in over 250 Italian legal journals.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: weekly with news articles from all over the world with news, economics, politics, business and finance.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content:  full-text access in pdf, with historical archive, to the 57 journals of publisher Wolters Kluwer

To consult the magazines, access ONE Fiscale or ONE Legal, and from the blue horizontal menu choose SERVICES and then NEWSSTAND
Remember to always log out before closing the browser to exit the database.

How to access from PCs on the University network and externally, for institutional users: log in using your university credential (those used for email).


Description, content, method of access

Content: legal journal relating to food law; compares the effective implementation of relevant European legislation in the EU Member States.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: full-text periodicals by the publisher Elsevier, multidisciplinary with a prevalence of medical-scientific sectors. Accessible magazines are marked with a green icon.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions)


Description, content, method of access

Content: periodicals of library and information sciences publisher Emerald.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions)


Description, content, method of access

Content: collective work that offers a complete panorama of Italian legal thought. Integrated in Iusexplorer Giuffré.

How to access from PCs on the University network: Automatic login through recognition of IP address, by clicking on LOGIN at the top right and choosing LOGIN BY IP.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.
To use this single specific resource starting from the Iusexplorer general portal, select it from the drop-down menu that opens from NETWORK at the top left.


  • FOROPLUS  (già Il Foro Italiano alfa)
Description, content, method of access

Content: Il Foro Italiano online magazine since 2013, with an archive since 1987 of commented legal content of legitimacy and merit, constitutional and civil, criminal, administrative, community and foreign topics. The online Directory of the Forum with principles and bibliographic citations.

Interpretations with articles and sentencing notes: all interpretative documentation published in the review Il Foro Italiano and in the magazines La Tribuna. Over 493,000 bibliographic citations from all legal journals published in Italy, searchable by main and secondary items and accompanied by publication sources to retrieve the author's texts on every legal topic. Formulas, tax practices, explanatory comments. The Library with PDF files, generally from 2010, of the historical magazines La Tribuna: Archive of the new criminal procedure, Archive of leases, condominiums and real estate, Legal archive of the circulation of insurance and liability, ADL - Topics of labor law, Journal of family law and succession, Penal journal.
It is possible to use the simple or advanced search function, and the various tools are accessible from the horizontal menu at the top of the page.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians
Log in by entering your credentials directly online. IMPORTANT Before closing the resource: from the horizontal menu at the top of the site, choose piemonteorientale → your devices → log off, log off one of the devices present and confirm logout.


Description, content, method of access

Content: full-text journals by the publisher F. Angeli specialising in social, legal, historical and philosophical sciences.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.
From the home page click on "Do you have authorized access?" to access the content included in the subscription.

Brief Guide to accessing Torrossa 


Description, content, method of access

Content: review of legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine on administrative law. It allows you to view all the news published during the month and search for all the documents of greatest interest on the subject issued since 1996.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: on-line portal in the field of civil law that gives access to the journal Justice civil in pdf complete with information and insights. Integrated in Iusexplorer Giuffré.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address. Click on link  Access by IP in the right-hand box, then select this single specific resource from the drop-down menu that opens from NETWORK at the top left.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: weekly publication of doctrine and jurisprudence.

How to access from PCs on the University network and externally, for institutional users: log in using your university credential (those used for email).
It can be consulted via the databases of Il Sole 24 Ore.

In the initial search field type Piedmont, select the name of the University in the drop-down menu and authenticate by entering your credentials.

The magazine is accessible from various sections, especially for recent years (from 2014 to the present), from the home page in the box on the right "My products"; click on "Professional journals" and choose Guide to Law.

For the archive since 1994, from the home page click on the vertical bar on the left, choose "Law", then "Index of Journals" and choose Guide to Law.


Description, content, method of access

Content: the database offers the possibility to consult a vast collection of periodicals, classics of law, legal publications and normative repertories published by specialized publishers or by the federal government of the United States. There are also periodicals published in other Anglo-Saxon countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, and South Africa.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: database of Italian, regional and community legislation, Italian and EU jurisprudence since 1952, Official Journal of the general series, collective agreements, competitions.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: full-text electronic journals of historical series of scientific journals in the field of human, social and natural sciences. The archive can generally be consulted starting from the first editions, many between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Due to editorial agreements, the current years and those of the last 3 or 5 years are not available (moving wall).

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.
You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions) 


Description, content, method of access

Content: Labour Law journal.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: Journal of Labour Law and Social Security. Access to journal articles published from 2010 onwards, with the possibility of searching in the database of laws, circulars, annotated sentences on the subject of employment contracts, social security, accident prevention and labour process.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: journal of doctrine and law that addresses the world of privatized public work.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.



Description, content, method of access

 Content: journal of labour, trade union and social security law. It consists of two sections: the first section is reserved to DOCTRINE, with an in-depth study of the topics of greatest interest due to their importance or complexity, with the aim of offering solutions on the interpretative and application issues posed by the discipline of law and collective bargaining. The second section is dedicated to STATEMENTS on the most relevant decisions of national and supranational LAW. Available from 2018 (previous years are accessible online through the Il Sole 24 ore database and available in hard copy in the library, from 2001)

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: web version of the Mathematical Reviews Database, the bibliographic database that indexes the most significant production of scientific literature in the mathematical field, providing reviews of journal articles, conference proceedings and books. The link to the original document is present when it is available online, whether with free or paid access. The Featured Reviews articles of the 3 most recent issues of Mathematical Reviews are accessible free of charge.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Contenuto: collezione di riviste Il Mulino a testo pieno e disponibili a partire dal 1997 al fascicolo corrente. 

Modalità di accesso dai PC della rete di Ateneo: accedi automaticamente tramite riconoscimento dell’indirizzo IP.

Modalità di accesso dall'esterno per gli utenti istituzionali: prima collegati alla rete di Ateneo in VPN (istruzioni alla pagina Biblioteca digitale) e poi accedi tramite riconoscimento dell’indirizzo IP.


Description, content, method of access

Content: news, law, legislation in the juridical-financial field relating to the USA, UK, Commonwealth countries, European Union. Also available is a large number of full-text periodicals mainly from the United States and access to a wide range of financial information relating to numerous public and private companies, both American and non-US, to economic and political relations in numerous countries of the world and to numerous biographical profiles of personalities from various public sectors of society.

TUTORIAL. On the Cenfor International website, there are some video tutotorials available for Digspes Library Users, illustrating the contents of Lexis Nexis' Nexis Uni database and providing examples of common law research, current news and business information. To use the tutorials, ask the Library for the password.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: the database replaces the Laws of Italy and arises from the integration of various digital products from publisher Wolters Kluwer Italia and its brands CEDAM, UTET, Giuridica, IPSOA. The two main archives of our subscription are ONE Legal and ONE Fiscal, through which you can access specific thematic content and cross-sectional content such as Wolters Kluwer magazines and ebooks from La Mia Biblioteca.

For the individual items listed on this page, you will find the description of the specific content and how to consult the various archives.

How to access from PCs on the University network and externally, for institutional users: log in using your university credential (those used for email).
Tutorial on accessing databases


Description, content, method of access

Content: you can consult various thematic modules: Economic Activities; Work; Tax doctrine; Legal Doctrine for Accountants; Work Doctrine for Accountants.

For each module, the following are available: a general framework, related obligations, extensive case studies and Special Cases, models and operational calculation tools, in-depth analysis and journal articles on related issues, references to legislation and practice and the latest news with the relative impact on professional activity.
EXPERTA: fiscal; society; business crisis; financial statements and auditing; tax litigation; contracts; taxation and international trade; management control, compliance.

You can consult the various sections starting from the blue horizontal menu, choosing the resource that interests you.
Wolters Kluwer journals in pdf form are accessible from Professional Newsstand: from the blue horizontal menu choose SERVICES and then PROFESSIONAL NEWSSTAND.

For the publisher's e-books, accessible in streaming, again from the horizontal blue menu, click on LIBRARY.

Remember to always log out from the database, by clicking on EXIT before closing the browser.
Tutorial for access to databases

Description, content, method of access

Content: national, regional and community legislation; commented codes and codes; practice since 1996; repertoire of jurisprudence since 1981; Civil Cassation and Criminal Cassation since 1986 the maximum sentences and since 2004 those deposited; Council of State and TAR since 2004; Constitutional Court since 1956; Merit since 2005; Court of Auditors since 2004; doctrine legal journals: wide selection of comments taken from the main legal journals Utet Giuridica - Ipsoa - Cedam - Wolters Kluwer Italia Professionale in html and pdf; forms; the legal newspaper.

You can consult the various sections starting from the blue horizontal menu, choosing the resource that interests you.

Wolters Kluwer magazines in pdf are accessible from Professional Newsstand: from the blue horizontal menu choose SERVICES and then NEWSSTAND.

For the publisher's e-books, accessible in streaming, again from the horizontal blue menu click on LIBRARY
Remember to always log out from the database by clicking on EXIT before closing the browser.
Tutorial for access to databases


Description, content, method of access

Content: package of 15 journals from the Oxford University Press publisher in the following thematic fields: humanities, economics, social sciences. Coverage: since 1996.
How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.
External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: journal on the policies and developments of social and health services, both at institutional and legislative level and of individual experiences, presented to stimulate communication, comparison, innovation.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: French law and doctrine; Dalloz actualité daily legal update. In French.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: journal addressed both to legal professionals and all those who have to do with the world of health, with the aim of creating a strong dialogue between the world of law and that of medicine.

How to access from Digspes Library PCs: with login and passwords entered by librarians


Description, content, method of access

Content: collects abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources. The contents cover research in the scientific, technological, medical, social, humanistic and artistic fields both in Europe and in Latin America and the Asian regions. It allows integration with scientific websites and a wide range of citation and statistical analysis.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions) 


Description, content, method of access

WARNING!! The platform has been completely renewed and a guide for use is available in the "Il Sole 24 Ore" database. On the home page there is also a “video tutorial” box which gives access to 10 descriptive videos of the main features (guida per l'utilizzo alla Banca dati "Il Sole 24 Ore")

Content: the database includes the daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore in browsable pdf with historical archive since 1984; the publisher's professional magazines (Magazines 24 Fisco, Magazines 24 Lavoro, Magazines 24 Law; Magazines in PDF Construction, Magazines in PDF PA); regulatory databases (Tax, Labour, Law, Technical and PA); vertical newspapers (Il Quotidiano del Fisco, del Lavoro, del Legge, PA and Local Authorities, Construction and Territory, Healthcare and University training and research).

How to access from PCs on the University network and externally, for institutional users: log in using your university credential (those used for email).

In the initial search field, type Piedmont and select the name of the University in the drop-down menu and authenticate by entering your credentials.


Description, content, method of access

Content: entire multidisciplinary collection of Springer periodicals +  Palgrave periodicals + ADIS periodicals (medical-scientific field) for a total of about 2300 titles. Typically coverage since 1997

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.
You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions) 


Description, content, method of access

Content: journals of the publisher Taylor & Francis in the fields of human, economic and social sciences. The SSH Collection is available for a total of approximately 1400 titles, typically, with coverage since 1997.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions)


Description, content, method of access

Content: international repertoire containing bibliographic data and information relating to over 300,000 periodicals, both paper and electronic, current and discontinued.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: digital magazine dealing with specific issues of Labour Law.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.


Description, content, method of access

Content: Web of Science (WOS) is a multidisciplinary bibliographic / citation database that groups the following indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded, which allows you to search for abstracts of publications from scientific journals; Social Science Citation Index, which indexes journals in the social sciences; Arts and Humanities Citation Index, relating to publications in the humanities.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.

You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions)


Description, content, method of access

Content: access to the journals of publisher Wiley (about 800 journals); titles previously provided by Blackwell Sinergy are also available.

How to access from PCs on the University network: automatic log in by recognition of IP address.

External access methods for institutional users: first log on to the University network via VPN (instructions on the Digital Library page) and then access through recognition of IP address.
You can also log in directly with your university credentials (See instructions) 

Last modified 4 August 2022