The Department raises funds to develop research projects, and activates partnerships with public and private entities.
Research projects
- PRECRIM Project - This EU-funded project is being conducted by a group of scholars, mainly from four European academic Institutions, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Faculdade de Dereito da Universidade do Porto, Universität Mannheim, University of Ljubljana, in order to confront different national regulations of preventive measures with the EU instruments, with a specific focus on the compliance with fundamental rights. In addition to the academic participants, professionals in the judiciary are part of the research group, offering their everyday experience with the application of preventive measures and the shortcomings of mutual legal assistance, especially with regard to no-conviction based confiscation.
- Brave New Women – Project of the Centro Studi e Documentazione Pensiero Femminile of Torino, developed together with the Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Piemonte Orientale and the Antiviolence Centre of the province of Alessandria me.dea, with the collaboration of the Alessandria Social Services Consortium - C.I.S.S.A.C.A as a stakeholder, named “Brave New Women”. The project, co-funded by Compagnia di San Paolo with “Bando Idee-are: idee per innovare” funding programme, sets out to identify practices and goals regarding the reconstruction of support and care networks for women over 55, who are not part of a couple, and outline possible legal protection guarantees for them
- VAT Fraud in Europe. Mapping the problem and sharing new legal challenges – Principle Investigator: Dr. Barbara Piattoli;
- Analysis of the characteristics and expectations of students in order to create a targeted project for supporting students in their studies and reducing the number of drop-outs - Principle Investigator: Prof. Maria Luisa Bianco; Funding body: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria;
- A pilot project in Remote Customer Support – Project Leader Soggiorno Borsalino, in partnership with Fondazione CRT; Principle Investigator: Prof. Salvatore Rizzello;
- Nature In Cooperative Education - NICE – Principle Investigator, Prof. Salvatore Rizzello, Erasmus Plus Project;
- Economic crisis, youth unemployment: proposals for social experiments” – Principle Investigator Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Bianco, funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Alessandria;
- Analysis of monitoring, prevention and control policies for bird flu in industrial farms of the Veneto region: a pilot study – Principle Investigator, Prof. Anna Rosa Favretto;
- Post-metropolitan territories as emerging urban forms: the challenges of sustainability, habitability and governability – Principle Investigator Prof. Paolo Perulli, PRIN 2010-2011;
- Judicial Efficiency and its Determinants in Italy – Principle Investigator, Prof. Giovanni Ramello, Call of Athens-CSP 2014 Agreement between University and Compagnia di San Paolo;
- Childhood competence and autonomy in the management of illness: comparison of children and adults – Principle Investigator Prof. Anna Rosa Favretto, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino;
- Sociological study of the use of doping substances among non-professional athletes – Principle Investigator Prof. Daniele Scarscelli, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Project.
- As part of a strong collaborative partnership with Banca d'Italia – established with the agreement whereby our students spend part of their internship at the Turin branch of the historic bank - the Report on feedback of customers of banking and financial institutions -2020. The Report reveals the data and analysis results of highlighted feedback from 2020 and offers a wide range of information on the presentation of complaints and activity that may be implemented by the Banca d’Italia when it receives a complaint from customers.
- The Department has signed an agreement with the Litubium School for educational activity of study and research aimed at preparation for the Exam for Lawyers. The courses focus on penal law issues, and the identification, provision and drafting of legal advice, legal opinions and deeds. Partnership leader: Prof. Petrini.
- The agreement with UNICREDIT S.p.A. for research activity, study and consultancy in issues of penal liability of the employer and other subjects with particular reference to general risk evaluation and related stress, the risk of bank robbery, healthcare, and various issues regarding reference to R.L.S. (workers’ health and safety unions). The professional input from the Department consists in the study of current legislation and procedures followed by relevant health and safety in the workplace authorities, as well as the study of activities designed to guarantee compliance of said procedures and legislation and in the drafting of legal opinions. Partnership leader: Prof. Petrini.
Indagine sulle caratteristiche e aspettative degli studenti per progettare in modo mirato l’orientamento agli studi e ridurre gli abbandoni
- Documento PDF - 40.17 KB
Il progetto pilota di teleassistenza
- Documento PDF - 264.55 KB
Nature In Cooperative Education - NICE
- Documento PDF - 62.69 KB
Studio sociologico sul consumo di sostanze dopanti tra gli atleti non professionisti
- Documento PDF - 9.83 KB
Relazione sugli esposti dei clienti delle banche e delle finanziarie - anno 2020
- Documento PDF - 1.02 MB