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Where to find us

The DiGSPES department is located in Alessandria

How to reach us:

  • by train: check the website of Ferrovie dello Stato  
  • by car:  on the A21 that links Turin, Asti, Alessandria, Piacenza, Brescia; on the A26 that links Genoa Voltri, Alessandria, Casale Monferrato, Vercelli Gravellona Toce; on the A7 that links Milan, Alessandria, Genoa.  


The lecture halls, study rooms and offices are all in the same area and near the train station, bus station and carparks.

Palazzo Borsalino, via Cavour 84
Headquarters of DiGSPES and the Institute of Public Policies and Collective Decision-making 
Administrative Office, lecture halls, Library, Degree Rooms, IT Labs, Institute of Public Policies and Collective Choices, and teachers’ offices
Reception: tel. 0131 283900, fax 0131 264041, opening hours: from Monday to Friday 8am-7pm.

Institute of Legal and Economic Sciences, via Mondovì 8 and corso Borsalino 44 
Institute of Legal and Economic Sciences, Resources Office and teachers’ offices.  
Reception: tel. 0131 283888, opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

Institute of Social Research, corso Borsalino 44
Institute of Social Research, CATI Lab and teachers’ offices.
Reception: tel. 0131 283808, fax 0131 283936, opening hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30am-6pm.

Student Services, corso Borsalino, 42
Student Services Office. 
tel. 0131 283907, UPO Risponde
opening hours: Monday, Tuesday: 9 - 12; Wednesday: 1pm - 3.30pm; Thursday: desks and phone lines closed; Fridays: 9am – 12pm.


Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences – DiGSPES     via Cavour 84, 15121 Alessandria        
Tel. 0131.283900 - Fax: 0131.283773
C.F. 94021400026 - P. IVA 01943490027 – Bank details