The "Giorgio Ambrosoli" School of Forensic Training (established in the academic year 2009/2010) is inspired by a strong synergy between the university and the forensic world, in harmony with the guidelines of the reform of the Master's Degree in Law. The purpose is twofold: to educate law students from the early years of the degree course in the culture of advocacy and the legal professions and at the same time offer a more adequate preparation for passing the exam that enables them to practice the legal profession.
For these reasons, the DiGSPES and the Councils of the Bar Associations of Alessandria, Vercelli, Novara and Verbania already have a long-established and strong collaborative partnership regarding teaching and research.
The University in a structured and systematic form opens its doors to the world of legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, notaries) by involving them in a stable process of training learners. At the same time, legal practitioners use the Academy to ensure their own continuous and ongoing training.
The Ambrosoli educational offer is divided into two parts:
First stage. This is an initiation into the legal professions, in particular that of the lawyer, organised over the 5-year master's degree course in Law. The first year offers sessions functional to real knowledge of the profession of lawyer, magistrate and notary, while the remaining four years focus on deeper analysis of argumentative and rhetorical techniques, the writing of opinions and the drafting of judicial documents under the supervision of lawyers and judges.
In particular, there are 2 different levels of seminars and other activities * organized by the Ambrosoli Forensic Training School and included in the Master's degree course in Law.
- 1st LEVEL: aimed at freshers and 2nd year students, this offers interaction with legal professionals and the legal professions, in order to offer a general picture of the opportunities offered by the degree course in Law (6 hours)
- 2nd LEVEL: intended for 3rd, 4th and 5th year students, this focuses on a complex course of legal writing. It includes an introduction to the legal writing technique and a laboratory where students, followed by lawyers, draw up easy opinions on civil law and criminal law (24 hours) and, for students who have already passed the tests of civil procedure and criminal procedure and are interested in pursuing the legal profession, an advanced legal writing laboratory is offered: the knowledge and experimentation of legal rhetoric techniques, as well as the drafting of judicial acts of civil law and criminal law, corrected individually by attorneys responsible for the seminar (24 hours).
* All seminars allow for the acquisition of 6 ECTS, and the other activities for 3. For 1st and 2nd year students, the credits acquired can be accredited starting from the 3rd year.
Second stage. This is the post-graduate stage, aimed at preparing for the lawyer competition and advanced training of lawyers. Regarding the first profile, the Forensic Training School “G. Ambrosoli ” created a Forensic Gymnasium which is divided into three modules of lessons (May / October, January / April, May / October) to offer the compulsory training period of 18 months necessary, alongside practice in a firm, for future lawyers as stated by professional law no. 247/2012.
The School also organizes the IPM (Intensive Practice Module) in November, for preparation of the written test of the aforementioned competition.
As far as higher education is concerned, the Ambrosoli School offers professionals in the forensic sector qualified training on the issues of greatest interest to the field, especially lawyers. Participation in this training allows the acquisition of professional training credits.
For further details of the Ambrosoli training courses and related costs, please consult the website of the Ambrosoli Forensic School.
Attached is the DECREE 9 February 2018, no. 17 of the Ministry of Justice (Regulation containing the discipline of training courses for access to the profession of lawyer, pursuant to article 43, paragraph 2, of law no. 247 of 31 December 2012).
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Regolamento Scuole Forensi
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