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InterLibrary Loans (ILL) and Document Delivery (DD) for LIBRARIES

Italian and foreign libraries and research institutes can request volumes that are part of our bibliographic heritage and scientific articles contained in journals and volumes owned by us.

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

How to make a request

Service coordinators: Paolo AMICI Tel. 0131 283902; Lara MORETTA Tel. 0131 283910; Leonardo STRANO Tel. 0131 283914.

Number of requests permitted

5 requests per month  each for no more than 2 loan titles.

Works excluded from Loan service

  • legal volumes published in the last 2 years
  • works in bad state of conservation
  • reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, codices, works with COD or GIUR signature)
  • periodicals
  • volumes published before 1870

Service fee

The service is offered free of charge with the libraries with which it is possible to stipulate agreements of free and reciprocal supply.

In all other cases, reimbursement of expenses incurred is required in IFLA vouchers.

Delivery of weights up to 2 Kg

  • ½ Voucher IFLA Italian Libraries
  • 1 Voucher IFLA Foreign Libraries

Delivery of weights over 2 Kg

  • 1 Voucher IFLA Italian Libraries
  • 2 Voucher IFLA Foreign Libraries

Photocopy Document Delivery (DD)

How to make a request

Service coordinator: Lara MORETTA Tel. 0131 283910.

Service fee

The service is free for libraries subscribing to BESS, ESSPER, NILDE and for those with whom mutual and free supply agreements are drawn up.

In all other cases, reimbursement of expenses incurred is required in IFLA vouchers.

Last modified 8 August 2022