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a) Teacher tutors/teaching committee

Teacher-tutors The teacher-tutor has the task of advising, guiding and assisting you in filling out the option sheets/web plans, as well as during your entire academic career. As...

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 23/24

a) Teacher tutors /teaching committee

Organiser (Chair) Prof. Silvia Fazzo ​Teacher tutors Il Docente-tutor ha il compito di consigliare, indirizzare e accompagnarti nella compilazione delle schede di opzione, così...

Degree course Philosophy and Communication - academic year 24/25

a) Teacher tutors /teaching committee

Organiser (Chair) Prof. Silvia Fazzo ​Teacher tutors Il Docente-tutor ha il compito di consigliare, indirizzare e accompagnarti nella compilazione delle schede di opzione, così...

Degree course Philosophy and Communication - academic year 23/24

aa) Admission Requirements

The degree programme is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions). Enrolment Requisites You are automatically admitted if you have gained a Bachelor’s degree in one of the...

Degree course Modern, classical and comparative Philology - (Double Degree) - academic year 24/25

aa) Admission Requirements

The degree programme is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions). Enrolment Requisites You are automatically admitted if you have gained a Bachelor’s degree in one of the...

Degree course Modern, classical and comparative Philology - (Double Degree) - academic year 23/24

Study plan

Degree course International Specialist Master in Religion, Politics and Global Society - IMRPGS (3rd edition) (A.Y. 23/24)