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IRIS Catalogue


IRIS - Institutional Research Information System, is the new Cineca public portal, dedicated to the collection and management of data related to research activity. This is a unique system, integrated with other systems of the University and able to interact with national and international centralised systems for the management and diffusion of published works, in compliance with requirements of MIUR and the European Commission on Open Access.

IRIS has inherited the data and uses of the U-GOV Catalogue.

By visiting the IRIS portal, users can have a complete overview of all research works by the University; in the top right-hand corner there is a login button to access your own personal page of the items catalogue, via the same login details used for other University systems (mail, intranet, etc...)..

The Department representative for IT support and assistance for users is Paolo Amici.

Other information about IRIS can be found in the Research section of the University website.