The Interdepartmental Centre for Constitutional Law and its History was set up in April 2015 to respond to the need to create an institutional body dedicated to the study of constitutional law and its history and to unite on this theme, in a transversal and interdisciplinary way, different entities present in the 'University of Eastern Piedmont - in particular in the Departments of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (Digspes), Economics and Business Studies (Disei), and Humanities (Disum) - linking their activities and strengthening research.
Disco is, therefore, primarily a centre of dialogue, where synergies are developed between disciplines revolving around the constitution, both in its modern version of a fundamental charter of positive law, and in its historical, philosophical and political sense.
As stated in art. 2 of its Charter:
- The Centre is established for the purpose of carrying out research and advanced training in the field of constitutional law from the perspective of positive law, general theory and history.
- The Centre recognises debate and collaboration of the various represented disciplines as the essential element of its activity, in order to make better use of common experiences and skills with reference to research and university/non-university education.
- The following are considered to be priority areas of intervention for the Centre:
* research activity aimed at reflection on law and constitutional history, attentive to developments in positive law, but placed in a rigorous theoretical and historical perspective, which allows a grasp of the elements of regularity and discontinuity in legal, political and institutional
* the advanced training of law and constitutional history scholars
* the education of university students through joint seminars activated by the participating Departments
o higher education for schools, institutions, society.
The annual or multi-year plan of the Centre's activities is approved by the CTS, on the proposal of the Director. It outlines the lines and research activities and training activities that the Centre intends to pursue during the academic year (Article 7.9 of the DiSco Centre Regulations). You can consult the annual plan in the Attachments section.
Each year the Director of the Centre draws up a report on the activity carried out by the Centre itself, which he/she submits to the CTS for approval and, subsequently, to the Academic Senate and Board of Directors (art. 8.4.and DiSco Centre Regulations). You can consult the annual report in the Attachments section.
DISCO Director
Chiara Tripodina (DIGSPES)
Technical Board
- Vittorio Tigrino (Chair CTS) (DISUM)
- Andrea Ballancin (DISEI)
- Giorgio Barberis (DIGSPES)
- Massimo Cavino (DISEI)
- Germana Gandino (DISUM)
- Bianca Gardella Tedeschi (DISEI)
- Federico Goria (DIGSPES)
- Francesco Ingravalle (DIGSPES)
- Maria Antonietta Ligios (DISEI)
- Massimiliano Piacenza (DIGSPES)
- Claudio Rosso (DISUM)
- Gabriella Silvestrini (DISUM)
- Edoardo Tortarolo (DISUM)
- Chiara Tripodina (DIGSPES)
Executive Council
- Chiara Tripodina (Disco Director) (DIGSPES)
- Francesco Aimerito (DIGSPES)
- Massimo Cavino (DISEI)
- Francesco Ingravalle (DIGSPES)
- Maria Antonietta Ligios (DISEI)
- Gabriella Silvestrini (DISUM)
Affiliated academics
- Francesco Aimerito
- Giovanni Boggero;
- Paolo Borgna;
- Fabio Caffarena;
- Mario Calvo;
- Francesco Campobello;
- Giovanni Cavaggion;
- Lucilla Conte;
- Luca Geninatti Saté;
- Joerg Luther + ;
- Barbara Mameli;
- Antonio Mastropaolo;
- Rodrigo Miguez Nunez;
- Matteo Moro;
- Riccardo Perona;
- Stefano Quirico;
- Davide Servetti;
- Matteo Tacca;
- Edoardo Tortarolo
- Gabriella Vanotti;
- Martina Zerbinati
Conferences and events
DISCO 2021-2022
- 11 June 2021, Seminar "Straniero. Sguardi interdisciplinari intorno a una parola" (“Foreigner. Interdisciplinary views around a word”)
(Vercelli, Università del Piemonte Orientale), research organisation Marco Pustianaz, Vittorio Tigrino, Chiara Tripodina.
The seminar was organised in 3 sessions:
I. The perspective of legal and economic experts (chaired by Chiara Tripodina): Chiara Tripodina, Foreigners at home: for a substantial idea of constitutional citizenship; Francesco Aimerito, "Recepti ad incolatum": privileges and discrimination of immigrants in the legal doctrine of the early modern age; Francesco Campobello, Acquisition of citizenship by foreign minors "born in the Kingdom" between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Giovanni Cavaggion, The constitutional duties of the foreigner; Marie Antoinette Ligios, The stateless person in Roman law; Alessandro Magrassi, Local democracy and non-citizens; so that no one feels like a stranger at home; Antonio Mastropaolo, Inclusion of migrants and territorial development; Riccardo Perona, Condition of the “foreigner” and justiciability of rights: the case of “constitutional actions” in Colombia; Massimiliano Piacenza, Cultural and linguistic barriers for immigrants and the role of social networks: what effects on the appropriateness of health services?; Davide Servetti, Forms and grades of protection of the foreigner's right to health: from the protection of the incompressible nucleus to the promotion of positive actions.
II. The perspective of linguist and literature scholars (chaired by Marco Pustianaz): Marco Pustianaz, One is not born a stranger, one becomes one. A feminist queer perspective; Silvia Ferrari, Looking at a language with the eyes of another language; Roberta Langhi, Foreign or strange? Strangled voices of non-human animals; Francesca Longo; Dante the foreigner, exile and pilgrim in Paradise; Elena Tombesi, Foreign words in legal texts.
III. The perspective of historians (chaired by Vittorio Tigrino): Vittorio Tigrino, The exposure of the foreigner: Genoa 1982; Lorenzo Baratter, Foreigners at home? The Italian community in former Yugoslavia: an ongoing historiographical debate; Fabio Caffarena, The foreigner in a popular writing text; Dario Cellamare, “Barbarian” or “Hellenic”? Religion as an identity marker in Julian emperor; Francesco Ingravalle, “So close, so far away”. The foreigner in Georg Simmel's excursus of Sociology (1908); Ekaterina Knyazeva, European cities through the eyes of the Russian èmigrè writers in the early 20th century; Claudio Rosso, From foreigners to subjects. Naturalizations of foreigners in the Savoyard state of the seventeenth century; Gabriella Vanotti, Marta Caselle, Daniele Natale, Inclusion and exclusion of the foreigner in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds.
Poster of the seminar "Foreigner. Interdisciplinary views around a word"
DISCO 2020-2021
- 3 March 2021, Seminar Dialogues on thinking of Jörg Luther. One year after his passing (Alessandria, Università del Piemonte Orientale, webinar). Scientific Committee: Giovanni Boggero, Giovanni Cavaggion, Enrico Grosso, Anna Maria Poggi, Chiara Tripodina. Dialogues: The ideal of a good constitutionalist: Tania Groppi (Università di Siena), Emanuele Rossi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa); The travelling constitutionalist: Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Universidad de Granada), Paola Bilancia (Università di Milano); Laying bridges between cultures: Enrico Grosso (Università di Torino), Sarah Kaminsky (Università di Torino), Luciana Ziruolo (Direttrice Isral); The right to make a mark: Gustavo Zagrebelsky (Università di Torino, emeritus president of the Constitutional Court).
Registration of seminar of 3 March 2021
DISCO 2019-2020
- Autumn 2019: publication of conference proceedings Le età della Costituzione (The Ages of the Constitution), held in Vercelli on 26 October 2018, as part of celebrations of UPO XX anniversary: Luca Geninatti Satè, Jörg Luther, Antonio Mastropaolo, Chiara Tripodina (curated by), Le età della Costituzione. 1848-1918, 1948-2018, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2019, pp. 1-209 (ISBN: 9788891788474)
- 17-18 October 2019, Conference Sofferenze e insofferenze della Giustizia Costituzionale (Suffering and intolerance of Constitutional Law) (Torino, Università di Torino), Scientific Committee: Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Massimo Cavino, Enrico Grosso, Jörg Luther, Valeria Marcenò, Annamaria Poggi, Chiara Tripodina; with contributions by Gustavo Zagrebelsky (Università di Torino), Filippo Pizzolato (Università di Padova); Giorgio Repetto (Università di Perugia); Laura Ronchetti (Università del Molise); Daniela Bifulco (Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”), Giuseppe Martinico (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna); Angioletta Sperti (Università di Pisa); Franco Modugno (Constitutional Court).
The conference proceedings were published in Law and Society, no. 4/2019 and in Federalism, no. 15/2020. - 8-9 November 2019, Conference I confini dell’età globale tra storia, diritto e politica (The borders of the global age between history, law, and politics) (Aosta, Aula Magna Sant’Anselmo), organised by Antonio Mastropaolo and Furio Ferraresi; with contributions from Maria Rosa Ferrarese (Università di Cagliari); Enrico Grosso (Università di Torino); Enrica Rigo (Università Roma Tre); Marco Cuaz (Università della Valle d’Aosta); Paolo Ghedda (Università della Valle D’Aosta); Dario Gentili (Università Roma Tre); Giorgio Grappi (Università di Bologna); Ermanno Vitale (Università della Valle d’Aosta), and talks by Alessandro Celi, Simona d’Agostino, Andrea Désandré, Daniele di Tommaso, Piero Lucat, Enrico Martial.
- 13 November 2019, Intercultural seminar for PhD students: Letteratura, storia e Costituzione della Repubblica di Weimar (Literature, history and Constitution of the Repubic of Weimar) (1919 – 1933) (Alessandria, Università del Piemonte Orientale), organised by Jörg Luther, Chiara Tripodina; with participation by J. Luther, E. Giovannini, F. Ingravalle, E. Daly.
- 28 November 2019, Conference L’infanzia e i diritti: La Convenzione Onu compie 30 anni (Childhood and Rights: the UN Convention celebrates 30 years) (Alessandria, Associazione Cultura e sviluppo): I Session: Presentation of book by Monica Celentano and Chiara Tripodina “Palmiro e il sommo libro della Costituzione. I principi della Costituzione italiana raccontati alle bambine e ai bambini” (Armando editore, 2018); presented and moderated by Giorgio Barberis (Università del Piemonte Orientale); talks with authors Marta Cartabia (Chair of the Constitutional Court; Università Bicocca di Milano) and Renato Balduzzi (Università Cattolica di Milano); Reading from book, by Marco Alotto. II Session: Jörg Luther (Università del Piemonte Orientale), The right to play; Screening of “Il cinema racconta: i diritti dell’infanzia”, by Gaetano Tenda (Museo Nazionale del Cinema); Anna Rosa Favretto (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Apprendere i diritti, apprendere i doveri: questioni di socializzazione normativa. (Understanding rights, issues of legislative socialisation)
- 24-25 January 2020, International Conference Rischio ambientale e beni comuni. La storiografia sulle risorse ambientali tra discontinuità e sostenibilità (Environmental Risk and shared assets. Historiography of environmental resources between discontinuity and sustainability) (Vercelli, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Albano Vercellese, Parco Naturale delle Lame del Sesia), Organised by Vittorio Tigrino e Angelo Torre; with contributions by Matteo Tacca (Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi, Università della Svizzera Italiana); Renato Sansa (Università della Calabria); Giacomo Bonan (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt); Anna Maria Stagno (Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale, Università di Genova); Marco Dotti (Università Cattolica, Milano); Antonella Pietta, Marco Tononi (Università di Brescia); Beatrice Palmero (Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi, Università della Svizzera Italiana); Matteo di Tullio (Università di Pavia – Università Bocconi di Milano); Emanuele Colombo (Università Cattolica di Milano); Stefano Barbacetto (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck); Claudio Lorenzini (Università di Udine); Aleksander Panjek (Univerza na Primorskem, Koper); Angelo Torre (Insitut d’études avancées, IEA, Paris); Eugenio Garoglio (Università del Piemonte Orientale); Vittorio Tigrino (Università del Piemonte Orientale).
- 15-16 June 2020, Workshop on-line Migration, Rights and Democracy. Conceptual Rappraisals, Organizers: COST Action CA 1611 – RECAST – Second Workshop online of Working Group 3: Concepts; Conveners: Gonçalo Marcelo, Hanna-Mari Kivistö, Gabriella Silvestrini, with contributions by Angela Taraborrelli (Università di Cagliari); Zanan Akin (University of Hagen); Marin Beroš (Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb); Maria Marczewska-Ryto (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University); Tomás P. Bethencourt (University of Málaga); Laura Santi Amantini (Università di Genova); Ewa Wyrębska-Dermanović (University of Bonn); Natalija Shikova (International Balkan University); Hanna-Mari Kivistö (University of Jyväskylä); Maxim van Asseldonk (University of Aberdeen); Anna Miloni (Onassis Foundation Scholar); Anna Malandrino (Center for European Studies, Harvard University); Tom Montel (Université Paris 8); Martin G. Weiss (University of Klagenfurt); Saila Heinikoski (Finnish Institute of International Affairs); Anna di Bello (Università l’Orientale di Napoli e Università di Trento); Gianfranco Pellegrino (Università LUISS Guido Carli, Roma); Tamara Crnko (University of Rijeka).
- 25 June 2020, Inaugural event Scuola Forense Giorgio Ambrosoli, Perchè e come proporre un incidente di costituzionalità (Why and how to propose a constitutional issue) (webinar), Coordinated by Prof. Avv. Francesco Aimerito (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Direttore della Scuola Forense Giorgio Ambrosoli; Introduced by Avv. Paolo Ponzio (Council Chair of Lawyers’ Association of Alessandria, Chair of the Scuola Forense Giorgio Ambrosoli); Contributions by Prof. Avv. Renato Balduzzi (Università Cattolica di Milano), Prof. Avv. Federico Sorrentino (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”); Closing statements: Prof. Avv. Serena Quattrocolo (Università del Piemonte Orientale).
DISCO 2018-2019
- 12-14 September 2018, Novara, V edition of Advanced Training course of Diritto costituzionale, Il diritto della guerra e della pace,(Constitutional Law, the law of war and peace) curated by Massimo Cavino, with lessons by: Edoardo Greppi, Università di Torino; Karine Roudier, Università di Lione; Paolo Carnevale, Università di Roma Tre.
- 28 September 2018, Alessandria, Seminar Patrimonio e beni comuni: oggetti, luoghi e diritti tra età moderna e contemporanea (Shared patrimony and assets: objects, places, and rights from modern and contemporary eras) (as part of event Notte dei Ricercatori), Curated by Francesco Aimerito, Claudio Rosso, Vittorio Tigrino, with contributions by: Matteo Moro, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Claudio Rosso, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Matteo Tacca, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Francesco Aimerito, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Vittorio Tigrino, Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- 26 October 2018, Vercelli, Conference Le età della Costituzione (Eras of the Constitution) (as part of UPO XX anniversary celebrations), curated by Massimo Cavino, Luca Geninatti Satè, Federico Alessandro Goria, Joerg Luther, Antonio Mastropaolo, Chiara Tripodina, with contributions from Ugo De Siervo, Università di Firenze; Luigi Lacchè, Università di Macerata; Antonio Mastropaolo, Università della Valle d’Aosta; Ines Ciolli, Università di Roma La Sapienza; Federico Alessandro Goria, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Stefania Ninatti, Università di Milano Bicocca; Marco Revelli, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Mario Dogliani, Università di Torino.
- 26 March 2019, Vercelli, Conference La Magna Charta, Guala Bicchieri e il suo lascito (The Magna Carta, Guala Bicchieri and his bequest) (to mark the first showing in Italy, in Vercelli, of the Magna Carta Libertatum of 1215), curated by Saverio Lo Martire, Chiara Tripodina, with contributions from Giancarlo Ardenna, Università Cattolica di Milano; Antonio Mastropaolo, Università della Valle d’Aosta.
- 7 June 2019, Vercelli, Seminar Non solo parole. Linguaggi della storia linguaggi nella storia, (Not just words. Languages of history, languages in history) curated by Claudio Rosso, Giulia Bassi, Andrea Pennini, with contributions from Claudio Marazzini, Università del Piemonte Orientale - Accademia della Crusca; Gabriella Vanotti, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Elisabetta Bianco, Università degli Studi di Torino; Germana Gandino, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Paolo Grillo, Università degli Studi di Milano; Giacomo Todeschini, Università di Trieste; Blythe Alice Raviola, Università degli Studi di Milano; Andrea Pennini, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Claudio Rosso, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Giacomo Demarchi, Università degli Studi di Milano; Giulia Bassi,Università del Piemonte Orientale; Mireno Berrettini, Università Cattolica di Milano. Poster.
DISCO 2017-2018
- 13-15 September 2017, Novara: IV Advanced Training Course in Constitutional Law, La lingua della Costituzione, la lingua nella Costituzione, (Language of the Constitution, language in the Constitution) curated by Massimo Cavino, with lessons by Antonio Ruggeri, dell’Università di Messina; Anna Mastromarino, of Università di Torino; Claudio Marazzini, of Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- 19 February - 7 May 2018, Alessandria: VII Seminar of Constitutional Law and History, Settant’anni di Costituzione, tra vecchi e nuovi diritti, (Seventy years of the Constitution, old and new rights) organised by Chiara Tripodina, with lessons by Chiara Tripodina, of Università del Piemonte Orientale; Elisa Olivito, of Università Sapienza di Roma; Stefano Rossi, of Università di Bergamo; Mario Dogliani, of Università di Torino; Almudena Bergareche Gros, of Universidad de Vigo; Franco Pizzetti, of Università di Torino.
DISCO 2016-2017
- 7, 8, 9 September 2016, Novara: III Advanced Training Course in Constitutional Law, Il potere costituente (The Constituent Power) curated by Massimo Cavino, with lessons by: Mario Dogliani; Roberto Bin; Ruben Martinez Dalmau.
- 20 February - 8 May 2017, Alessandria, V Seminar of Constitutional Law and History, Patrimonio culturale e patrimonio ambientale come “beni comuni” costituzionalmente rilevanti, (Cultural and environmental heritage as shared assets, constitutionally relevant) organised by Chiara Tripodina, with lessons by: Alessandra Algostino; Davide Servetti; Lucilla Conte; Elvio Fassone; Luca Imarisio; Filippo Patroni Griffi.
- 2 May 2017, Alessandria, II Disco Seminar, Patrimonio culturale e ambientale e beni comuni: principi costituzionali e dinamiche storiche (Cultural and environmental heritage as shared assets, constitutional principles and historic dynamics) organised by Rodrigo Miguez Nunez, Vittorio Tigrino, Chiara Tripodina, with contributions from Vittorio Tigrino; Giulia Beltrametti; Rodrigo Miguez Nunez; Margherita Pieraccini; Ricardo Yanez Ramirez.
DISCO 2015-2016
- 9, 10, 11 Settembre 2015, Novara: II Advanced Training Course in Constitutional Law, organised by Massimo Cavino, I partiti politici nell’organizzazione costituzionale, (The political parties in the constitutional system) with lessons by Profs. Giuditta Brunelli, Francesca Biondi, Marco Revelli.
- MOOC (Massive Open Online course): online course open to all, entitled Introduction to Constitutional Law held by prof. Massimo Cavino, for easy access to basic notions on constitutional law and its history. Watch the video
- 22 February – 2 May 2016, Seminar of Constitutional Law 2015 - 2016, Alessandria, 1943-1948: Verso la Costituzione repubblicana. A settant’anni dal referendum istituzionale e dall’elezione dell’Assemblea costituente (Towards the Republican Constitution. Seventy years after the institutional referendum and election of Constituent Assembly) with lessons by Davide Servetti, Antonio Mastropaolo, Paolo Borgna, Fabio Caffarena, Massimo Cavino, Gian Candido De Martin.
- 16 May 2016, I Disco Seminar, Vercelli, 1946-1948: Verso la Costituzione repubblicana, (Towards a Republican Constitution) with lectures by prof. Giovanni De Luna, and contributions from Claudio Rosso, Massimo Cavino, Chiara Tripodina.
Projects participated in by DISCO
- La risposta della giustizia ordinaria e militare ai crimini nazifascisti tra impunità e denegata giustizia (The response of ordinary and military law to Nazi Fascist criminals, impunity and denial of justice) sponsored by the Istituto Piemontese per la Storia della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea "Giorgio Agosti" di Torino.
Events sponsored by DISCO
- 22 June 2018, Torino: Seminar organised by journal Costituzionalismo.it: Settant’anni di “uso”della Costituzione (Seventy years of ‘use’ of the Constitution) with contributions by Gaetano Azzariti, of Università Sapienza di Roma Mario Dogliani, of Università di Torino; Umberto Allegretti, of Università di Firenze; Elisabetta Lamarque, of Università Bicocca di Milano); Carmela Salazar, of Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.
- 30 January, 9 February, 16 February 217, Alessandria, Course of History of the Shoah, IV Piedmont edition 2016/17, Memorie europee tra Polonia e Italia. Seminario di ricerca e disseminazione della Memoria, (European memoirs from Poland and Italy. Research and teaching seminar of the Collective Memory) organised by Joerg Luther (Università Piemonte Orientale) and Sarah Kaminski (Università Torino).
- 8 May 2017, Torino, Seminar Centro Studi interateneo Studi della Pace (Cisp), La protezione dei beni culturali in situazioni di emergenza (the Protection of cultural heritage in emergency situations) organised by Gabriella Silvestrini.
- 2 May - 4 July 2017, Novara (Università Piemonte Orientale), Scuola per una cittadinanza consapevole 2017 (Schooling to create aware citizens 2017), organised by Massimo Cavino
- 13 May 2016, Cuneo (secondary site of Università degli Studi di Torino), Conference: Il progetto di Costituzione confederale europea ed interna di Duccio Galimberti e Antonino Repaci. Conquiste e sfide a settant’anni dalla pubblicazione. (The project of European and interna Confederal Constitution, by Duccio Galimberti and Antonino Repaci. Successes and defeats, seventy years after publication)
- 26 May 2016, Alessandria (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Palazzo Borsalino), Conference: 70° anniversary of women’s emancipation: what is the future for gender equality?
- 14 October 2016, Alessandria (Università Piemonte Orientale), Constitutional Referendum 2016- The UPO constitution experts describe and comment on the constitutional referendum with Massimo Cavino, Joerg Luther, Luca Geninatti Satè, Chiara Tripodina.
- 10 November 2016, Novara (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Il soffitto di cristallo: qualche cosa è cambiato? (The glass ceiling: any change?) with Carmen Aina. Lucilla Conte, Bianca Gardella Tedeschi.
- 8 October 2015, Partiti politici, rappresentanza, riforme, (Political parties, representation, reforms) Università degli studi di Torino, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino
- 28 October - 2 December 2015, La Shoah nella scuola 2.0. Incontri formativi per docenti, (Shoah in modern education; meetings for teachers) Fondazione Valenzi, Maschio Angioino, Napoli
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee of the Centre is the governing body and guarantees the high quality of activities of the Centre itself. It meets at least three times a year, convened by its President (art. 7.1 and 7.5 Centro DiSco Regulations).
Regolamento del Centro Interdipartimentale di Diritto e Storia Costituzionale
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Piano dell'attività annuale 2018-2019
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Piano dell'attività annuale 2017-2018
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Piano dell'attività annuale 2016-2017
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Piano dell'attività annuale 2015-2016
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Relazione Annuale 2019- 2020
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Relazione Annuale 2018- 2019
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Relazione Annuale 2017- 2018
- Documento PDF - 667.37 KB
Relazione Annuale 2016- 2017
- Documento PDF - 668.17 KB
Relazione Annuale 2015- 2016
- Documento PDF - 650.55 KB
2016 - Verbali CTS
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2017 - Verbali CTS
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2018 - Verbali CTS
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2019 - Verbali CTS
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2020 - Verbali CTS
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2015 - Verbali CTS
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2021 - Verbale CTS
- Documento PDF - 127.99 KB
2022 - Verbale CTS
- Documento PDF - 107.64 KB
Relazione Annuale 2020/2022
- Documento PDF - 574.9 KB
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Last modified 22 July 2022