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IT Credentials

For students

After completing the online enrolment procedure, you will receive your Student ID (enrolment) number via e-mail, at the personal address you indicated during registration. The enrolment ID number identifies you as a student of the University and is used in administrative procedures and to access IT services.

Please note: the enrolment procedure ends only with payment of the first fee instalment. Until then, to enter the Student Portal on which you registered, you must use as username: (at the end of the registration phase; it may take a few minutes, maximum 5, before you can log in).

When you receive your Student ID number by e-mail, you must activate your e-mail account by following the instructions you find here: Email Service for Students (Servizio Email per gli Studenti.) For problems relating to activation of the account, write to

Once the account is activated, the same e-mail credentials must be used to access:

  • Student Portal
  • UniUpo App (username: only the serial number)
  • Email
  • Wifi
  • Access to PCs in the laboratories
  • DIR Services (Online Education)

To change the password, reset it, or request it in case of loss, you must follow the instructions for password management (Gestione password)

If the password is changed successfully, your status is "active" and you can access your mailbox (go to, enter as username and password "New password" you just created).

The mailbox can be accessed directly from the Google homepage, or, better still, from Moreover, like normal Gmail accounts, it can be consulted via web from any device, using your login credentials (we do not recommend the use of local clients such as Outlook, Apple Mail, etc ...).

The mailbox has a capacity of at least 7 GB and is equipped with antivirus and antispam filter; a webchat is active that allows you to contact other @ users and all @ users, also in audio / video mode.

We remind you that the email is the only address recognised by the University for receiving and sending communications. This way you can ensure that any confidential data is not sent to strangers.

In the event of problems with your email account, contact

For teaching and technical-administration staff

Access to the computers in the classrooms of the Department, offices and classrooms, occurs only after the provision of a user name (login) and related personal password. If you are part of the technical-administrative staff or teaching staff, follow the instructions available at pagina dedicata ai servizi per i docenti e per il PTA.

Last modified 3 August 2022