4 - Affiliated Bodies Area
Why host an intern/trainee?
An internship is a useful experience not only for the student and graduate, who have the opportunity to interact with the world of work, putting into practice the knowledge acquired, but also for the host institution, which can contribute to the training of the intern, selected according to your needs.
Who can host an intern?
Any company or public / private body, within the limits indicated below:
- 0-5 employees: one trainee
- 6-19 employees: two trainees
- > 20 employees: 10% of total employees
How to activate an internship
- Identification of the intern: the first contact between the candidate and company can be arranged by the student / graduate, the Department or the host institution.
- Stipulation of the agreement and training project: The internships are carried out on the basis of specific agreements stipulated between the Department / University and the host institution which include insurance coverage (accidents and civil liability) to be paid by the University. The only cost charged to the host company / organisation consists of 4 revenue stamps of € 16 each, which will be attached (two per copy) to the agreement.
- Subsequently it will be possible to draft the training and orientation project, containing all relevant information. The maximum duration of internships, both curricular and training/orientation is 12 months.
For the rules and regulations visit this page.
Companies wishing to collaborate with the University by making notes and advertising their offers / requests for curricular, post-graduate, internship, work internships must complete the accreditation procedure at the Companies / Entities registration link (link di registrazione Aziende/Enti).
Once in possession of the access credentials, all aforementioned activities can be managed independently from their own reserved area. Those wishing to restrict the information only to the Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences are required to fill in this form and return it by email to stage.digspes@uniupo.it.
Any interested students may consult the list of affiliated companies/organisations (Partnerships signed by DIGSPES).
For more information, contact the Internship and Job Placement Office: stage.digspes@uniupo.it
- Dr. Laura Bodrati, tel 0131 283876
- Mrs. Maura Sartirana, tel 0131 283895
- Mr. Andrea Gasti, tel 0131 283810
DIGSPES - Elenco convenzioni attive (agg. 16/06/2022)
- Documento PDF - 210.91 KB
DIGSPES - Modalita' accesso al portale d'Ateneo - Aziende
- Documento PDF - 365.21 KB
Last modified 3 August 2022