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For each individual course, the responsibility for the programme and its quality lies with the Course Chair, flanked by the Review Team, which assists him/her in the preparation of the Review Reports, and by the Quality Management Team, as requested by the SUA-CdS. The two groups can be joint.

The Course must guarantee a constant commitment to improvement, in terms of aiming for results of ever greater value, establishing training/teaching objectives aligned with the best national and international standards

It is the task of each Course (coordinating with the Department) to define and implement procedures suitable for achieving the aforementioned objectives and the necessary monitoring/review.

The Course Chair is responsible for drafting: 

  • Single Annual Course Report (SUA-CdS)
  • Annual Review Report (RAR)
  • Cyclical Review Report (RCR).

The single-cycle Master’s degree programmes at DIGSPES:

The 3-year Bachelor degrees at DIGSPES:

The Master’s degree programmes at DIGSPES:

Single Annual Course Report (SUA-CdS)

The SUA-CdS is a public database that can be consulted online, within which each course gathers together information on its activity.

SUA-CdS reports must:

  • declare the content and methods of training/teaching
  • orient and define expectations on learning outcomes and on the ability of a course to foster their achievement
  • generate a public space that interested parties can access in order to form an opinion and make an informed judgment.

The PQA, through the Support Office, ensures that all the data necessary for completing the SUA-CdS reports are provided.


Social Work

Local Society and Development

Political, Economic, Social and Administration Sciences

Political, Economic, Social and Administration Sciences

Economics, Management and Institutions

Annual Review Report (RAR/SMA)

The RAR is the result of a periodic and planned process that aims to verify the adequacy and correspondence of learning objectives, and the effectiveness of the course management.

The RAR documents, analyses and comments in a critical and timely manner on:

  • the effects of corrective actions announced in the previous Annual Review Reports
  • the strengths, critical points and areas to be strengthened that emerge from analysis of the academic year in question
  • corrective actions on the critical elements highlighted, changes deemed necessary and the actions aimed at consolidating and improving the existing situation.


The RAR represents the core QA element of the individual courses and must be analysed and discussed collectively by the Review Group, including student representatives. It is presented, discussed and approved by the Course Council or equivalent structure.

It must contain a critical review of data made available by the PQA, taking into account the CPDS report and requests reported by teachers and students.

The actions planned in the RAR must be concrete and the Course Council must undertake to carry them out within a specific deadline. The planned actions and their execution are monitored by the PQA, also making use of the RQDF, and evaluated by the CPDS.


Social Work

Local Society and Development

Political, Economic, Social and Administration Sciences

Economics and Public, Environmental and Cultural Policies

Economics, Management and Institutions

Cyclical Review Report (RCR)

The RCR is drawn up regularly, according to the duration of the course and in preparation for any periodic accreditation visit. It aims to examine the validity of the teaching/training objectives and of the course management system.

It examines:

  • the current demand for education/training underpinning this course
  • the professional figures of reference and their skills
  • the coherence of the learning outcomes envisaged by the Course as a whole and in the individual modules
  • the effectiveness of the course management system
  • For each of these elements, the RCR documents, analyses and comments:
  • the effects of corrective actions announced in previous RCRs
  • the strengths and areas to be strengthened that emerge from the analysis of the period under review and prospects for the subsequent period
  • corrective actions on the critical elements highlighted, changes deemed necessary and actions aimed at making improvements.


Social Work

Local Society and Development

Political,  Economic, Social and Administrative Sciences

Economics, Management and Institutions

Teaching/Training Quality Control and Review Team

The Review Team is conjoined with the Quality Control Team for all courses.


    Political, Economic, Social and Administrative Sciences

      Economics, Management and Institutions

      Local Society and Development

      Last modified 22 July 2022