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3 - Graduate area

The Job Placement service is active for all graduates, to help them enter the world of work.

  1. Training and orientation internship. Graduates have the opportunity to carry out an internship in organisations or companies. Current legislation states that training and orientation internships can be activated:
    - within 12 months of graduation;
    - for a maximum duration of 6 months.

  2. Job corner. This is a space set up at the Department Library with materials and subscriptions to specific publications, to support active job hunting.
  3. Ministry of Justice - Completing a training internship at the judicial offices: an opportunity to be seized by law graduates

    Article 73 of Legislative Decree 69/2013 (converted into law no. 98 of 9 August 2013), amended by articles 50 and 50-bis of L.D. 24 June 2014, n. 90 (converted, with amendments, by law 11 August 2014, no.114) states that the most deserving law graduates can access, on request and for one time only, theoretical-practical training courses lasting eighteen months at judicial offices, to assist and flank the magistrates of the Courts of Appeal, trial courts, the prosecuting offices of first and second instance, the supervisory offices and courts, the juvenile courts, and the administrative judges of the TAR and the Council of State.

    This is an important educational opportunity because it allows you to see for yourself how judges and lawyers work and to understand directly how the laws studied at the University apply to concrete cases. The young people admitted to the internship achieve not only a competitive advantage given by direct knowledge of the complex activities of judging and defending, but also preferential grading in all public competitions.
    Information for Internship at Alessandria Courthouse
    Application for internship - LD 69_2013
    Job description for internship at Alessandria Courthouse

For more information, contact the Internship and Job Placement Office:

For information on Post-grad training, visit the website.

Last modified 5 August 2022