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Third Mission

Alongside the two fundamental objectives of training and research, the University pursues a third mission, which is to promote the enhancement and use of knowledge to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of society.

To this end, each department within the University is committed to communicating and disseminating knowledge through a direct relationship with the territory and its stakeholders.

Presentation on Third Mission and partnerships - prof. Leonardo Falduto

As part of the Third Mission activities, numerous initiatives have been activated, some of which have taken on a stable and structural role in the Department's activity.

Noteworthy examples include:

May 2018
Conference "Europe, Democracy, Work"
The S.P.I. Laboratory of History, Politics and Institutions, in collaboration with UPO and Città futura, sponsored by CGIL, Camera del Lavoro Alessandria and "Il Piccolo", presented the conference at the CGIL Alessandria Exhibition.

July 2017
Activity planned with the Bosco Marengo-Santa Croce Lions Club

Meeting of the professors and administrative staff of the Department with representatives of the Lions Club Bosco Marengo-Santa Croce for the planning of joint activities.

March 2017
25 March 1957 - 25 March 2017: 60 years of Europe. Perspectives and opportunities

At the Nervi-Fermi institute in Alessandria, on 22/03/2017 Prof. Vito Rubino gave a lecture on European integration.

November 2016
Rethinking the prison. Proposals and models

Organized by Prof. Lombardi, round table and public debate on the difficult prison situation in the Italian legal system, with the participation of university professors, lawyers, magistrates and staff of the prison administration.

October 2016
Constitutional referendum 2016: comparison of the reasons for ‘yes’ and those for ‘no’

Meeting open to local citizens, organised by prof. Rizzello, to promote an informed vote.

October 2016
Constitutional referendum 2016: constitution experts at UPO illustrate and comment on the constitutional project, subject of the reform referendum.

Meeting open to local citizens, organised by Prof. Tripodina: constitution experts of UPO illustrate and comment on the constitutional reform to be voted.

October 2016
Reading and writing: incoercible forms of evasion

Organized by prof. Arces, a meeting at the "San Michele" prison in Alessandria between inmates and the writer Pincketts on the theme "Reading and writing: incoercible forms of escape".

This is followed by an open lesson at Palazzo Borsalino entitled "The writing of law as seen by a noir writer: Andrea Pincketts".

June 2016
DiVino Right
Organized by prof. Rubino with AIGA Treviso, the final round table of the course "DiVino Right: a study on issues of food and wine law for professionals and producers" on the theme "Safety, information, controls: the Italian and European food sector and the efficiency of the system".

June 2016
If 8 hours seem like few
Organized by Prof. Bianco in collaboration with CGIL, to raise public awareness on the issue of labour rights.

May 2016
Open, Open spaces for social, COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICE

Prof. Allegri: Four episodes on Social Work as a discipline and as a profession were part of a free online training course for social workers organised by the Association of Social Workers of Sicily.

May 2016
Food safety and food labelling rules: do we know what we eat?

Round table organised by prof. Ruby with A.I.G.A. Ferrara, on the subject of communicating the quality and safety of food through labelling.

May 2016
VIII Week of Studies on Local Autonomies (SAL)

Planned by prof. Balduzzi and organized by DRASD in collaboration with the department on the theme "Local identities and territorial autonomy".

April 2016 - May 2016
Work & Psychology

Organised by Prof. Santini, with the aim of illustrating the psychological mechanisms that come into play in the selection and management of work in order to obtain a more efficient but at the same time satisfactory work performance for the employee.

March 2016
Work safety in the province of Alessandria

Organised by prof. Rizzello, in collaboration with the Trade Union Centre, Inail, Prefecture, Confindustria.

February 2016 – May 2016
Annual seminar on law and constitutional history: 1943-1948: towards the republican constitution

Annual seminar organized by Professor Tripodina, open to the public: 1943-1948: towards the republican constitution, seventy years after the institutional referendum and election of the constituent assembly.

October 2015 - October 2016
Shoah history and teaching course

Held by prof. Luther, the course is part of the University Network for Memorial Day and, with the coordination of MIUR, it is held in a dozen Italian and foreign universities, with the sponsorship of the Embassy of Israel.

September 2015
The university for children

Organized by prof. Novarese with the aim of introducing children to the university, offering new cognitive stimuli and introducing subjects not generally dealt with at school, carrying out orientation activities.

May 2015
VII Week of Studies on Local Autonomies

May 2015
Les prémisse juridique et culturels des raisonnements des juges étatiques et internationales devant l'Islam.
Lesson held by prof. Mazzola at the International Conference "Jurisprudence Islamique et Contexte Européen"

April 2015 - May 2015 
Constitution: of history, rights and duties

Seminars organised by Prof. Tripodina, with participation by Umberto Allegretti, Paolo Borgna, Sabino Cassese, Mario Dogliani, Joerg Luther, Stefano Quirico, Chiara Tripodina, Luciano Violante.

April 2015
Regulation on shared management of common goods

Prof. Lombardi, in collaboration with the Municipality of Alessandria: Presentation to the citizens of the municipal regulation (soon to be issued) for the shared management of common goods, in order to gather, in the full spirit of participatory democracy and horizontal subsidiarity referred to in Article 118 of the Constitution, the opinions of the local community to which it is directed.

April 2015 
Citizenship income as "compensation for non-procured work"

Prof. Tripodina: The duty of the Republic to guarantee the right to work or otherwise ensure the right to exist, in "", 1/2015, on the television programme Otto e 1/2 conducted by Lilli Gruber, as part of “Il Punto” by Paolo Pagliaro, on the La7 television channel.

March 2015
Contemporary migration of refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants in Europe and Italy.

Logics and effects of reception policies and interventions, seminar by prof. Eve.

February 2015 – May 2015; May 2016
School for Entrepreneurs

Organized by prof. Novarese, in collaboration with Confartigianato and the Chamber of Commerce.

January 2015 - November 2015
​Jobs Act and related issues

Organized by Prof. Santini, in collaboration with the Provincial Association of Labour Consultants and with the Foundation for Labour Consultants’ Studies.

January 2015 - July 2015
Legal clinic for migrants

Managed by Prof. Grande, it deals with the organization of legal clinics that allow students, including those of Alessandria, to educate themselves on the help given to asylum seekers.

December 2014
The invisible bread

Exhibition and screening of material produced by the inmates of the "San Michele" prison in Alessandria and by the students of the "Galilei" high school, for involvement of citizens in solidarity projects in the local prison environment.

November 2014
The territorial identity of Italian medium-sized cities

Policies for Italian medium-sized cities are at the centre of reflection in the ninth edition second session of the National School of Local Development "Sebastiano Brusco" hosted by the university of Asti and carried out in close collaboration with DiGSPES.

May 2014
VI edition of the Week of Studies on Local Autonomies

The reform of territorial autonomies between institutional engineering and deliberative democracy, organized by the DRASD and supported by the Cariplo Foundation.

April 2014
World Social Work Day: The economic and social crisis: implications for the Social Services?

Organized by Prof. Allegri in collaboration with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Turin, on the occasion of World Social Work Day

January 2014 - December 2015

Hermès project

Organized by Prof. Grande, the project involves the San Michele Prison and aims to allow inmates enrolled at the University to attend university lessons.

September 2013 - September 2015
The university for children

Organized by prof. Novarese, an initiative that seeks to bring children to academic classrooms to carry out recreational and educational activities.

May 2013
The V week of studies on Local Autonomies

Town halls and bell towers in the age of glocalization, organized by DRASD.

March 2013
Interactive workshops with service operators, social workers and supervisors of vocational internships - training course

The professors of the Department, active in the degree course in Social Work, organize a two-year scientific in-depth course for social workers and local service operators, locations of professional internships. Attendance of the course is free and earns 24 credits from the Order of Social Workers.


Terza missione e conto terzi presentazione 2020
Documento PDF - 1.91 MB
Verbale incontro Lions, 2017
Documento PDF - 73.08 KB
Schede public engagement anno 2016
Zip Archive - 746.74 KB
Schede public engagement anno 2015
Zip Archive - 2.94 MB
Schede public engagement anno 2014
Zip Archive - 1.09 MB

Last modified 2 August 2022