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Political science and public administration (SPA 22/23)

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

The inter-class degree course in Political Science and Public Administration (Course code L36) is open to all (unrestricted admission numbers).

The course lasts 3 years (full time), or 4 or 6 years (part-time).

To obtain the degree you must achieve 180 academic credits (ECTS).

The course is held in Alessandria at Palazzo Borsalino, in via Cavour 84.

Course enrolment: all information is available on the webpage Prospective Student  under the heading How to register.

Course overview

The course offers you the possibility to choose between three study paths (economic-administrative, political-social, innovative-interdisciplinary), based on your own strengths and preferences. In three years you will acquire many interdisciplinary skills that are useful in the world of work (public administration, private companies, third sector), also as a consultant and expert in political, economic and social matters. You will also develop a strong critical spirit, which will help you move in contemporary society and respond effectively to its transformations, from local to global level.

The first two years are common to all courses, and allow you to acquire a solid transversal education: social sciences, political sciences, economics, history, law and language skills are offered by this degree course as training for professionals in tune with the current needs of socio-economic development and in relation to the transformations of our age, with particular attention to the green and digital transition.

In the third year the course is structured in three distinct curricula:

  1. economic-administrative, designed to train experts in management and control issues in Public Administration, and economists oriented towards the area of public policies
  2. political-social, aimed at offering fundamental and transversal knowledge in the historical-social and political-international context, with particular regard to the European framework and to global phenomena
  3. innovative-interdisciplinary, conceived as an in-depth study of issues and problems of particular urgency in Italian and European society (public health, digital revolution, transition to a sustainable social and productive organisation)

Key features

  • Course with a strong interdisciplinary character (you can study law, economics, sociology, history and politics)
  • Attention to the most innovative social, political and economic dynamics
  • Direct and informal relationship with teachers
  • Development of critical thinking to appropriately interpret contemporary reality
  • Wide choice of experiences abroad (Erasmus and Free Mover)
  • Strong links with the local region (we support you even after graduation)
  • Opportunity to refine your training with specialist degrees (two-year programmes)

Career opportunities

  • Positions in public administration (local, regional, national) and in cultural institutions.
  • Managers or economic experts in businesses, banks and insurance companies.
  • Careers at European and international institutions.
  • Research activities in research offices, communication companies, political analysis, data collection and processing companies (data manager).
  • Consultancy work for companies and public administration.
  • Employment in the third sector (non-profit organisations, cultural and trade associations, international cooperation, intercultural mediation, organisation of events)

Last modified 9 May 2024