2 - Study plans and prerequisites
Submission / modification of the study plan
All students enrolled in the first year and subsequent years (ongoing) are required to fill in the study plan online, within the stated deadlines.
You can complete / modify the study plan yourself, by accessing your personal area, in the windows for completion.
- For DIGSPES (ASPES, CLASS, LMG, EMI, SSL) find here detailed instructions for submission and/or modification
- For CLEA, find here detailed instructions for submission and/or modification
- For LITERATURE, find here detailed instructions for submission and/or modification
If you are repeating the course, you can fill in the study plan variation form and send it to allegati.digspes@uniupo.it to request the changes you wish to make (always within the stated deadlines).
If you encounter difficulties in completing the plan due to technical problems or because your plan is individual (and therefore cannot be changed independently), send a ticket to UPOrisponde to report it (always within the stated deadlines in order not to incur a penalty fee).
If completion / modification of the study plan does not take place within the established deadlines, a fine must be paid.
Find your degree programme in the list below, click on the name and the specific page will open. Under the heading "Prerequisites", you will find the requirements: remember to refer to those relating to your cohort.
- ASPES (Political Sciences)
- CLASS (Social Work)
- LITERATURE: there are no systematic prerequisites. Any prerequisites will be specified in the description of the individual modules.
- EMI (Economics, Management and Institutions): no prerequisites
- SSL (Local Society and Development): no prerequisites
- LMG (Law)
For CLEA, consult the teaching regulations of your cohort year
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Last modified 2 August 2022