Double Degree
Outbound students
Among the teaching activities of excellence, we point out the possibility of obtaining a bi-national, or double, degree with legal value also in France, Switzerland, Finland or the Czech Republic.
In the second year of studies, students enrolled in Economics, Management and Institutions can follow courses for a semester (or, if they prefer, for the whole year) at the University of Rennes 1 (France), Tampere (Finland), Fribourg (Switzerland), or Masarik of Brno (Czech Republic) obtaining a double degree (Italian, and of the host country).
For students selected to participate in the double degree programme, there will subsequently be a possibility to participate in the University Calls for mobility grants.
Students interested in participating should read the following regulations carefully.
Credit transfer for exams taken abroad
Regulations for credit transfer of exams taken abroad
Provisions to regulate the recognition of exams taken at foreign universities with binational degree agreements.
Art. 1)
In general, first-year exams cannot be taken in foreign universities with bilateral agreements. This is because in the bilateral partnerships, study abroad is not envisaged for the first year of degree courses.
Only in the following cases can a student be allowed to take a first-year exam while attending a partner university abroad:
a) if there is perfect correspondence between the study programmes of the first year course of EMI and a specific course in the foreign university
b) if the documentation proving correspondence of the exam programmes of the two courses is judged adequate by the EMI teacher holding the course concerned.
If the requisites referred to in points a) and b) are met, the student who intends to take a first year EMI exam in a foreign university must absolutely obtain written approval from the teacher who teaches at EMI and of the EMI Course Chair before leaving for the foreign university.
Art. 2)
Students who go to a foreign university with a partner institution must send the Learning Agreement to the Digspes Department of Teaching and Student Services, to be completed using the "LA_binazionali_freemover" form.
This form, signed by the partner university, must be sent to the teaching and services office WITHIN 30 days maximum from arrival at the foreign university and, in any event, before taking any exam at the foreign university.
The learning agreement to be completed must contain the list of exams to be taken at the foreign university, and the list of corresponding EMI exams for which credit transfer is requested.
The mandatory term of 30 days from arrival at the foreign university serves to agree in advance the equivalence of exams to be taken abroad as compared with courses in the study plan of the EMI course, guaranteeing students the certainty of credit transfer of the exams so that they can choose the courses to be included in the study plan before taking the exams.
In the event of failure to send the "Learning agreement" by the deadline, the credit transfer for the foreign exams taken will NOT be guaranteed.
Art. 3)
For exams taken abroad and included in the Learning agreement, duly transmitted within 30 days of arrival at the foreign university (and approved by the Course Chair), the conversion of grades takes place according to the following conversion table.
For qualifications obtained abroad, which must be transformed into exams with marks in Italy, a mark will be awarded corresponding to the weighted average of marks in exams passed up to the moment of departure, for the following reasons:
- to guarantee students the possibility of choosing between suitable foreign exams with standardised marks based on elements already known in advance (the average of the marks for exams taken in EMI);
- to guarantee conditions of fairness with students who sit exams with standard marks (instead of eligibility). This is because the average of the final exams would also include exams with converted foreign marks which would create situations of advantage or disadvantage regarding the marking system in Italy.
ELIGIBILITY: Student average marks (weighted for credits) of the exams passed up to the time of departure for abroad
Art. 4)
Specifically (and only) for students leaving to study at a foreign university with a binational degree agreement, it is possible to ask to take exams in the month of September on a date prior to departure.
This request is justified only by an absolute obligation of the student's presence at the affiliated foreign university as of a certain date in September and must be made well in advance by contacting Dr. Cinzia Chiarella of the Teaching and Student Services Office at DIGSPES.
Once the requisites of the requesting student have been checked, the course chair will be informed of the request and will investigate the feasibility of taking the exam before departure (checking the presence and availability of the teacher concerned, availability of classrooms and / or availability of personnel for invigilation and assistance at the examination).
The outcome will be communicated to the applicant well in advance in order to schedule their exams to be taken.
Art. 5)
Students who go abroad are not allowed to take exams in Italy in that period under any circumstance.
Art. 6)
In the event that recognition of EXTRACURRICULAR exams is requested (and not envisaged in the study plan) with a consequent excess of credits compared to the 120 provided for by the system, correspondence in terms of credits for each exam taken will follow this rule: 1 academic credit for every 6 hours of frontal lessons of the foreign course. It is the student's responsibility to provide proof and indication of the number of hours scheduled for the course abroad (CdS 16/10/2018)
Art. 7)
In the event that THESIS PREPARATION SEMINARS are held at the host university, the credits assigned will be fully converted (regardless of the number) into the 11 credits provided for in the study plan under the heading THESIS
Students who study abroad must send the Letter of Confirmation and Learning Agreement to the Teaching and Student Services Office at Digspes (see attachments at the bottom of the page). This form, signed by the partner university, must be sent to the teaching and services office WITHIN 30 days maximum from arrival at the foreign university and, in all events, before taking any exam at the foreign university. The learning agreement to be completed must contain the list of exams to be taken at the foreign university and list of corresponding EMI exams for which credit transfer is requested. The mandatory term of 30 days from arrival at the foreign university serves to agree in advance the equivalence of exams to be taken abroad with EMI study plan courses, guaranteeing students the certainty of credit transfer for the exams selected.
In the event of failure to send the "Learning agreement" by the deadline, the credit transfer for the foreign exams taken will NOT be guaranteed.
Specifically (and only) for students leaving to study at a foreign university with a binational degree agreement, it is possible to ask to take exams in the month of September on a date prior to departure.
This request is justified only by an absolute obligation of the student's presence at the affiliated foreign university as of a certain date in September and must be made well in advance by contacting dott.ssa Laura Bodrati or Dr. Cinzia Chiarella of the Teaching and Student Services Office at DIGSPES.
Once the requisites of the requesting student have been checked, the course chair will be informed of the request and will investigate the feasibility of taking the exam before departure (checking the presence and availability of the teacher concerned, availability of classrooms and / or availability of personnel for invigilation and assistance at the examination).
The outcome will be communicated to the applicant well in advance in order to schedule their exams to be taken.
Check the Conversion of Marks Table below, to see how your exams abroad will be converted
Conversion of Marks Table
For exams taken abroad and listed in the Learning agreement, duly presented within 30 days of arrival at the host university (and approved by the Course Chair), the conversion of marks takes place as in the following table.
For qualifications obtained abroad, which must be transformed into exams with marks in Italy, a mark will be recognized corresponding to the weighted average of the marks for exams passed up to the moment of departure, for the following reasons:
- to guarantee students the possibility of choosing between suitable foreign exams with standardised marks based on elements already known in advance (the average of the marks for exams taken in EMI);
- to guarantee conditions of fairness with students who sit exams with standard marks (instead of eligibility). This is because the average of the final exams would also include exams with converted foreign marks which would create situations of advantage or disadvantage regarding the marking system in Italy.
ELIGIBILITY: Student average marks (weighted for credits) of the exams passed up to the time of departure for abroad
What is a double degree?
If you want to enrol in a bi-national, or double, degree, the course offers something more than the Erasmus programme. Born from the same principles (improving linguistic knowledge, contributing to cultural exchange between different universities) this type of degree has several other characteristics that distinguish it.
The main feature is that it guarantees you a double degree, valid both in Italy and in the other country participating in the agreement. This means that you can enjoy the benefits available in both universities, while paying the tuition fees only in your home university.
How does it work in practice?
You will attend the two universities in alternating years, agreeing on a study plan (LEARNING AGREEMENT) consistent both with your personal choices and the courses available. A tutor at both universities will assist you in compiling the study plan and the courses, structured in academic credits, will have a grade that is converted into the Italian system.
Among the teaching activities of excellence, we point out the possibility of obtaining a double degree with legal value also in France, Switzerland, Finland or the Czech Republic.
In fact, in the second year of study, students enrolled in Economics, Management and Institutions can follow courses for a semester (or, if they prefer, for the whole year) at the Universities of Rennes 1 (France), Tampere (Finland) or Fribourg (Switzerland), obtaining a double degree (from Italy and the host country).
What are the destinations I can choose from?
These are the current possible destinations for obtaining a double degree in our Department:
- Université de Rennes (France)
- Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
- University of Tampere (Finland)
- Masaryk University of Brno (Czech Republic)
What is the procedure to follow?
All students interested in participating in the mobility periods for study within the framework of the agreements for a double degree (Brno-Friborg- Rennes -Tampere) must send an email to , with the subject "APPLICATION FOR DOUBLE DEGREE" by the deadline stated in the Notice, indicating:
- Surname
- Name
- ID (enrolment) number
- Email address
- Phone number
- Order of preference for locations (indicate with 1, 2, 3,4 the order of preference). Leave no mark –blank- the locations you are not interested in:
What are the selection criteria?
Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Number of credits and average exams passed by the end of the winter session
- Previous study experience abroad under the Erasmus + program during the bachelor's degree or previous master's degrees (when applicable)
- Students will in any case be deemed suitable for a stay abroad for the purposes of obtaining a double degree only if, by the end of the summer exam session, they have passed
- the integrated "Business and Public Policy" module exam
- the integrated "Public Economics" module exam
- adequate knowledge of the English language.
How long will I study abroad?
You can choose to go for:
- 1st semester
- 2nd semester
- The whole year
Are there any mobility grants?
To facilitate student mobility, our University will provide scholarships aimed at contributing to the expenses you will have to incur. It is therefore not a loan to fully cover the costs incurred but rather a CONTRIBUTION.
What linguistic preparation do I need?
Although there is no specific minimum level of linguistic knowledge demanded, adequate knowledge of the English language and / or language of the host university where you intend to sit the exams and follow the teaching activity, constitutes one of the selection criteria for candidates. You can improve your level by using the language self-learning tools offered by our University “Rosetta Stone”. During the mobility period, you will be able to attend language courses offered by the destination university but you still need a decent starting point that allows you to calmly undertake your stay.
What courses can I follow at the host university?
What should I do before leaving?
The study period abroad will have full academic recognition. The University is willing to recognize that the study period spent abroad, including exams and other forms of assessment, corresponds to and replaces a similar period of study, even if the content of the courses may be different.
To obtain this guarantee, however, the Learning Agreement must be completed in time. It is the study plan that will form the basis for recognition of the exams you take abroad.
The form for filling in the Learning Agreement can be downloaded in this section; it will be completed, signed in Italy, and by the professors of the host University, and sent back to the Department's Internationalization Office, according to the deadlines that will be communicated to you.
Contact the coordinating tutor of the host university as soon as possible, to define your learning agreement.
When can I leave?
Arrival dates must either coincide with the Orientation Weeks or coincide with the start of the lessons. The departure dates must coincide at THE LATEST with the end date of the exam session.
What documents do I need to produce for the foreign university?
Contact the Internationalization Office to obtain this information.
Do I have to do some medical insurance and a visa?
If you are an EU student you are covered by the European TEAM health insurance and excluded from the visa requirement.
How can I find residential accommodation in the partner university?
What fees will I have to pay?
The mobility student is required to pay only those fees required by their university of origin within the deadlines, and need not pay any fees to the host university.
What should I do on arrival?
Upon arrival at the partner university, you must perform these tasks:
- you must send by email the letter of confirmation or Certificate of stay, SIGNED AND STAMPED by the host University. Failure to receive this certificate will result in a delay in payment of the scholarship.
- you can request an extension of the scholarship, however, up to a maximum RELATIVE TO THE DURATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR (i.e., until the end of the exam session). Only requests received before the end of the contractual period will be considered. The request is not automatically accepted and does not guarantee automatic payment of the relative sum.
How is the scholarship paid?
The payment will be: 70% of the scholarship by the beginning of the academic year and the remaining 30% upon return of all students after 30 September.
What should I do when I return?
Before returning to Italy, you must ask the host university for a "Transcript of records", i.e., a document certifying the results you have achieved. It is possible that the host university will prepare your Transcript and send it to Italy later.
Once in Italy you will have to present the documentation that verifies the period of study and stay abroad.
The documentation includes:
- the Certificate of stay, signed and stamped by the foreign University
- the Transcript of Records
- the Learning Agreement, signed and stamped by the foreign University
Can I come back earlier?
If you return to Italy before the period established by the contract, for proven reasons, you will have to repay the scholarship amount for the remaining days and / or months.
How is the validation process carried out?
When the Internationalisation Office receives all the documentation, it will be forwarded to the Degree Programme or Department Council, which will approve the request. All approved activities will be included in your university career booklet, without programme additions or additional exams.
How does the marks conversion work?
To get an idea of how your grades will be validated, refer to the grade conversion table.
Do I have to already have the title of the thesis when I leave?
It is necessary to have already made agreements with the Italian Supervisor, and to have, even if broadly speaking, an idea of the subject of the thesis in order to save time once abroad. In fact, at the foreign location, you will need to identify a co-supervisor.
Together with submission of the title, you will have to submit the data form relating to the FOREIGN co-supervisor "Thesis Supervisor Information", which you will find in the attachment, duly completed.
There are no material constraints, but those who leave for the Double Degree must have a basis in public economics, given the type of Master’s programme.
What do I have to do to graduate in Italy?
The instructions for completing the degree application are the same for all students (INCLUDING those involved in a DOUBLE DEGREE project).
The only exceptions concern:
- the date for submission of the title which can be presented upon return and which will NOT require the 6 months stated. ALL the other DEADLINES are to be respected according to the terms required of all other students!
- filling in the form relating to the FOREIGN co-supervisor "Thesis Supervisor Information", which you will find attached.
Can I graduate in the July session?
Of course, the only thing to keep in mind is that there are administrative times that CANNOT be taken into consideration. The graduation application must be submitted within the deadline. The transcript booklet, as indicated in the instructions, can be delivered within 15 days prior to the date of the thesis viva.
E.g: graduation date 17 July 2017, you must have submitted your graduation application on 17 May 2017, you can submit the booklet by 30 June 2017. By that date ALL CREDIT TRANSFERS must have been approved; therefore all documents relating to mobility (letter of confirmation, learning agreement, transcript of records) MUST have been acquired and evaluated by the internationalization office.
In the Forms section you will find all the necessary documentation.
Other information can be found on the University Partner websites.
For more information, contact Prof. Daniele Bondonio, dott.ssa Laura Bodrati or dott.ssa Cinzia Chiarella.
Incoming students: Rosetta Stone
- Documento PDF - 980.26 KB
Studenti in partenza: Learning agreement
- Documento PDF - 105.05 KB
Studenti in partenza: Prolungamento periodo di mobilita'
- Documento PDF - 90.6 KB
Incoming students: Document needed for double degree students
- Documento PDF - 105.87 KB
Incoming students: Info food service
- Documento PDF - 200.43 KB
Incoming students: Instructions for the draft of the thesis
- Documento PDF - 13.87 KB
Studenti in partenza: Letter of confirmation
- Documento PDF - 121.55 KB
Studenti in partenza: Rinuncia borsa mobilita'
- Documento PDF - 118.41 KB
Incoming students: ICT Services
- Documento PDF - 105.22 KB
- Documento PDF - 46.09 KB
Studenti in partenza e Incoming students: Thesis Supervisor Information
- Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document - 43.86 KB
Subjects lectured in english
- Documento PDF - 3.98 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 4 August 2022