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If you are a student at our University, or a UPO graduate (within the last twelve months), registered with the UPO Alumni Association, or a UPO employee, you can achieve ICDL certifications by taking the exams at our University.

The ICDL (International Certification of Digital Literacy) is the former ECDL certification (European Computer Driving License) which decrees the possession of basic computer skills after passing specific exams, the content of which is defined at international level in the Syllabus. Many international institutions recognise the importance of the issue of digital literacy.

The ICDL is a  digital certificate.

Our University has an agreement (Board resolution 1/2018 / 12.1 of 26/01/2018) with AICA, the Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Calculation, which is the body that issues ICDL exams and certifications.

In the University, the ICDL Test Centres accredited for delivery of ICDL courses and exams are located at the DISEI - Department of Economics and Business Studies (Novara), DIGSPES - Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (Alessandria ) and DISUM - Department of Humanities (Vercelli). On the respective department sites you can find all the information about the certification.

At the DIGSPES lab, you can also take EQDL exams (European Quality Driving Licence): see  ICDL and EQDL certification.

Last modified 5 August 2022