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4 - Degree

Starting from the session of July 2022, the graduation application must be submitted only online, following the guided procedure illustrated in the  instructions.

It will no longer be necessary to print the thesis; it will be sufficient to attach, during the online application submission procedure, the final paper in pdf format, digitally signed by the supervisor.

See the list below for detailed information on the procedures:

Online submission of application to graduate

To submit the online degree application, access the Student Portal, and select the "application to graduate" from the drop-down menu (you can consult a summary of the procedure in the Handbook of on-line procedure).

When submitting the degree application online, the system automatically generates a bill equal to € 32, corresponding to the revenue stamps due for the application for admission and future issue of the degree parchment

In order to comply with the deadline for submitting the graduation application, the date of submission of the online application is valid, provided that the payment of the bills relating to the revenue stamps is made within the following 5 days.

In the event of a request for submission of the paper transcript, you must send the booklet return form (modulo restituzione libretto) to . Once this has been received, the Student Admin Office will make a third € 16 bill available on your personal page of online services ("payments") (consult the list on this page and click on the Paper Transcript item for details on how to have it returned).

→When submitting the graduation application, you must attach the following documents:

→To present the online application to graduate, you must:

  • Be up-to-date with payment of fees
  • Have completed all the exams included in your study plan (including seminars, languages, IT, internships).  N.B. If formal inclusion of these exams has not yet taken place, but the exams have been taken by the deadline for submitting the application, you can still submit the application, by entering the exams not yet included on the registration form. The Student Admin Office will carry out the necessary checks; in case of failure to pass and registration within the deadlines, you will not be able to access the graduation session.
  • if required by your degree programme: have sent the thesis title deposit forms + appointment of co-supervisor (s) within the stated deadlines
  • When completing the online procedure, you must upload the copy in pdf format of the final thesis (thesis), no later than the deadline stated in the degree calendar calendario lauree (consult the list on this page  and click on Writing the Thesis to obtain detailed information on the drafting of the paper, including the title page).
  • The pdf of the thesis must be digitally signed by the supervisor. Once the paper is completed, you can send it to the teacher via your university email address to obtain a digital signature. You can then proceed with uploading the paper (digitally signed) on your personal page. We remind you that for the digital signature the document must be saved in PDF \ A format.

    In the event of difficulty, instructions for digitally signing the paper are available: istruzioni per la firma digitale dell’elaborato  (for the TEACHER).

The graduation application will be approved by the Student Admin Office only when you have confirmed with the appropriate confirmation tick.

N.B: The submission of the degree application does not constitute automatic and implicit admission to the final viva as this is subject to verification, by the Student Admin Office, of the entire programme completed.

Once the applications have been received, the Student Office carries out pre-graduation checks, at the end of which, should any discrepancies emerge (e.g. arrears due for late payments, study plan anomalies, non-compliance of the report), it will send a communication via university email, with an invitation to remedy the irregularities as soon as possible.

Info related to FAQs


  • You do NOT have to print or deliver the thesis: the PDF that you upload on your personal page is sufficient
  • You must NOT send the PDF to the Student Admin Office
  • If, at the time of submitting the online degree application, you are not yet in possession of a provisional paper, in its place (temporarily) you can upload one of the documents to be attached to the degree application (eg UPOalumni, Almalaurea, Orientati al lavoro )
  • Completion of the graduation application form is NO longer required
  • You will NOT receive an email confirming that the online application has been uploaded
  • At the end of the application procedure, a tick will NOT appear under “application delivered to the Student Admin Office”; the Student Office will tick the item later, after having carried out the appropriate checks


Single-cycle Master’s degree (LMG) and former Law courses (running down) 

Stage 1

WhatSubmit thesis title 


  • at least 2 months before the date set for the viva for Bachelor degrees
  • at least 6 months before the date set for the viva for the single-cycle master's degree
  • at least 8 months before the date set for discussion for the old system

How Send documents to from your university email address

Stage 2

What→ Submission of online application to graduate (follow instructions at Submission of online application).

Documents to attach:


When Check the  DIGSPES degree calendar  for deadlines

How→  student portal (see the guide)

Bachelor’s degrees DIGSPES (ASPES and CLASS)

One stage only

What→ Submission of online application to graduate (follow instructions at Submission of online application).

Documents to attach


When Check the  DIGSPES degree calendar  for deadlines

How→  student portal (see the guide)

​​​​​Old Order of Political Sciences

For the old system, the appointment of two co-supervisors is envisaged.

The form for the appointment of co-supervisor (s) (modulo nomina correlatore/i) must be sent at least 4 months before the date of the thesis viva to  (however, it is recommended to send it together with the thesis title deposit form).

Bachelor’s in other Departments, at Alessandria

CLEA at Alexandria

To apply for a degree online, follow the procedure indicated on the website of the Department of Economics and Business Studies.

LITERATURE at Alessandria

To complete the online degree application, follow the procedure indicated on the Humanities Department website


Calendario lauree DIGSPES


Final exam, Theses and Viva Calendar

N.B. The date of the final exam that appears at the time of submitting the online degree application is random/fictitious, and may not coincide with the exact date on which the exam will be held.

The exact dates of the viva are communicated by e-mail by the Teaching Office, approximately 7/10 days before.

Thesis writing

For ASPES, CLASS, SSL, EMI, and former Political Science courses

Check the thesis instructions:

It is no longer necessary to print the thesis; it is sufficient to attach, during the online application submission procedure, the final paper in pdf format, digitally signed by the supervisor.

Before uploading, check the wording of the thesis title, which must coincide with what was deposited.

For LMG and former Law courses (running down)

Consult the instructions for the preparation of the master's degree thesis or those for the old system and Bachelor’s thesis.

It is no longer necessary to print the thesis; it is sufficient to attach, during the online application submission procedure, the final paper in pdf format, digitally signed by the supervisor.

Before uploading, check the wording of the thesis title, which must coincide with what was deposited.

Thesis title variation

Any variation of the title must be communicated to the Student Admin Office by completing the thesis title variation form, signed by the supervisor, to be sent to  within the deadline for uploading the final paper in pdf format.

Once the form has been received, the Student Admin Office changes the title; modifications made independently by the student will not be considered valid.

For single-cycle master's and two-year degrees only

Please note that the variation of the title must be in formal and not content (the teacher establishes this), otherwise 6 months will have to pass again (starting from the date of the substantial modification of the title) before being able to graduate.

Postponement of thesis viva

If, after submitting your graduation application, you decide to postpone the viva, you must communicate your choice via UPO Risponde

If you intend to graduate in the very next session, you must submit a new application immediately after withdrawal, for which a new bill relating to the € 16 revenue stamp will be created.

If, on the other hand, you intend to graduate in other sessions, follow the application submission deadlines set out in the DIGSPES degree calendar.

Degree average

For ASPES, CLASS, SSL, EMI, and former Political Science courses

Calculation of average final mark for Bachelor degrees .

For calculation of average final mark of Master’s degrees:

Calculation of the average final mark of the specialist degree courses (Calcolo della media dei corsi di laurea specialistica)


For LMG and former Law courses

The average admission to the degree is calculated using the arithmetic method (the number of credits is not considered, but only the exam grade): sum of the exam marks divided by the number of exams added together. Eligibility is not considered in this calculation.

Any rounding is done by the commission, when assigning the final score.

For the single-cycle master's degree, the score attributable by the commission is up to 7 points in the presence of only one co-supervisor, up to 9 points if a second co-supervisor is also appointed. The Commission, unanimously, can award a special mention or award, even together with honours grading.

For the old system degrees, the score attributable by the commission is up to 5 points in the presence of a single co-supervisor, up to 7 points if a second co-supervisor is also appointed. . The Commission, unanimously, can award a special mention or award, even together with honours grading.

For Bachelor’s degrees, the score that can be attributed by the commission is up to 5 points and there is no provision for the appointment of the co-supervisor, nor special mention or award,

Paper transcript booklet

If you still have the paper transcript of records booklet, make sure that all the exams have also been recorded on it and fill in the application for its return (domanda di restituzione del libretto universitario)

If you intend to request its return after graduation, please cross the relevant item on the form: in this case the Student Office will generate a bill relating to the necessary revenue stamp.

You will have to deposit the paper booklet in the appropriate box located at the entrance of Palazzo Borsalino by the deadline for the application to graduate.

If you opt for its return, once you have graduated and paid the stamp duty, the Office will contact you to make an appointment to collect the original booklet.

Withdrawal of bachelor degree / master’s parchment

The Student Admin Office is open to the public for parchment collection every Wednesday, from 9am to 12:30pm

If your parchment is available (you can check it in the list below) you can make an appointment for collection at the Student Admin Office (Corso T. Borsalino, 42 - Alessandria), using the UPOrisponde service.

In the ticket request, indicate the date (it must be a Wednesday) and the time you want to go to collect it (you can also delegate a person; a proxy statement on standard paper and a copy of the identity document of the delegator and delegate is sufficient).

You will receive an appointment confirmation ticket.

If you have graduated:

  • Until 30/04/2022: the parchments are available, contact the Student Admin Office to make an appointment (see instructions above)
  • From 01/05/2022: the parchments are not yet available: information will be provided shortly

If you have obtained a Master’s degree:

  • Until 2017/2018 - by 31/05/2019: the parchments are available, contact the Student Secretariat to make an appointment (see instructions above)
  • From 2018/2019: contact the admin office for Master’s degrees

Last modified 21 July 2022