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Degree course Law (LMG 22/23)

The degree course in Law that starts in academic year 2022/2023 is offered by DiGSPES at the training centre in Alessandria.

The single-cycle master's degree course (five years) provides for a close synergy with the world of work: legal practitioners, entrepreneurship, and public institutions, in terms of both teaching and internships.

The Master's Degree Course in Law seeks a constant balance between the transmission of legal knowledge and the practical application of law. In doing so, it also involves tutors who follow the student from the first year of training. Furthermore, it has been investing for years in internationalisation, in order to offer a wide-ranging view of the legal world.

These objectives are achieved and implemented through a series of measures:

  • seminars on writing and legal rhetoric
  • development of 'transversal skills' (presentation skills; emotive control; job interview skills; CV writing)
  • seminar on Communication Techniques
  • procedural simulations within the individual courses as an integral part of teaching
  • interdisciplinary advanced training course on legal / political thought organised by the “Galante Garrone” Chair
  • legal clinics at the International University College of Turin (IUC)
  • Extended stays abroad with the Erasmus Project
  • Short stays abroad through Free Movers
  • Participation in international competitions
  • International Moot Courts (procedural simulations)

Tracks and study plans

The course of study is divided into courses (C) and modular seminars (S), partly compulsory and partly optional. However, to make the student's choice easier and allow an organic choice of subjects that may seem quite disparate, the Degree Course Council has decided to draw up four possible tracks that interested students can decide to follow. These are "suggestions" of the study plan, not binding for the student, but which, if followed, would allow him/her to carry out a coherent and specialised path, which in some cases would also open up further prospects for contact with other master's degree programmes. 'University, to which easy access would be guaranteed. They begin to differentiate from the second year of studies, as the first-year courses are common to all.

The four tracks:

  • Legal aspects of Artificial Intelligence (study plan in Legal aspects of Artificial Intelligence): it allows the student to integrate traditional legal knowledge with basic computer knowledge. The goal is to train the future lawyer in dialogue with computer scientists and in the design of complex AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems, which are believed to be fruitful also in the field of law, and in particular in trials. Furthermore, the IT courses contained in the course would allow, at the end of the five-year period, direct access to the master's degree (2 years) in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation, based at the Department of Science and Technological Innovation (DISIT) of Alessandria.
  • Bio-law, care and health (study plan in Bio-law, care and health): this trains law students to understand and face the problems that the progress of medicine and biotechnological research pose to the world of law: from reproductive to end-of-life issues, from the integration of biomechanical parts in the human body to replacement of organs, from treatment of diseases to the use of genetic engineering techniques.
  • Law and economics of sustainable development (study plan in Law and economics of sustainable development): this integrates traditional legal knowledge with advanced economic notions, mainly focused on the public sector, to give the student the necessary tools to ensure better sustainability in administrative processes.
  • Law & Humanities (study plan in Law and Humanities): this allows the student to tackle, at a more dialogic and problematic level, the relationships between the world of law and other branches of humanistic culture, with particular regard to historical/literary disciplines.

All study paths also offer the possibility, if the student chooses to replace some of the traditional courses held in Italian with their equivalent in English, to access (after graduation) the English language course LEI (Law, Economics and Institutions) of the master's degree in EMI (Economics, Management and Institutions), with only one additional year of study, which would therefore allow for a joint degree in Law and Economics.

The course programmes are available in the relevant section (programmi degli insegnamenti)

The study plans archive is available in the relevant section (piani di studio)

Pre-requisites (Art. 34 of Course Regulations)

Academic year 2022/2023

ART. 18 Pre-requisites rule

For the purposes of orderly development of teaching and learning processes, the following preparatory aspects are envisaged:

  • Constitutional law precedes any other topic of SSD IUS / 07, IUS / 08, IUS / 09, IUS / 10, IUS / 11, IUS / 12, IUS / 13, IUS / 14, IUS / 15, IUS / 16, IUS / 17 IUS / 21;
  • Political economy precedes any other subject of SSD SECS- P / 01, SECS- P / 02, SECSP / 03, SECS- P / 04, SECS- P / 07, SECS- P / 11, SECS- S / 01, SECS - S / 06;
  • Institutions of private law precedes any other subject of SSD IUS / 01, IUS / 03, IUS / 04, IUS / 05, IUS / 06, IUS / 07, IUS / 13, IUS / 15
  • Institutions of Roman law precedes any other subject of SSD IUS / 18;
  • History of Italian and European law precedes any other subject of SSD IUS / 19;
  • Administrative law I precedes any subject of SSD IUS / 10;
  • Criminal law precedes any other subject of SSD IUS / 16, IUS / 17;
  • Commercial law precedes any other subject with SSD IUS / 04, IUS / 15;
  • Comparative legal systems precedes any other subject with SSD IUS / 02;
  • Civil procedural law precedes any other subject with SSD IUS / 15;
  • Criminal procedural law precedes any other subject with SSD IUS / 16;
  • Labour law precedes any other subject with SSD IUS / 07.
  • Computer Science I precedes any other subject with SSD INF / 01 of years IV and V of the course

In all cases, passing the exams of Constitutional Law and Institutions of Private Law is a prerequisite for any other exam except those of the first year.

In compliance with the provisions set out in point no. 1, further preparatory aspects may be provided by individual teachers for their courses.

Visit the prerequisites page published for previous academic years.

Students enrolled in the 5th year of the master's degree course in Law can start the internship (curricular) of 75 hours equal to 3 credits provided for in the study plan, which must be completed before graduation (check graduation deadlines).

On the Internships and internships page, all the information on how to activate an internship at an institution and how to carry out the curricular internship in the Prefecture is published.

To achieve its objectives, the Course uses two main operating platforms:

  1. the 'Giorgio Ambrosoli' Forensic Training School (Scuola di Formazione Forense ‘Giorgio Ambrosoli’) which provides pre- and post-graduate education in the legal profession, in collaboration with the professional associations of: Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli, Verbania and Asti. The aim: to train law students from the first year to practice the legal professions
  2. internships and traineeships in public or private bodies for effective integration into the world of work, already during the degree programme.

Final Exam

The master's degree ends with the final exam, i.e., the discussion of a thesis on a topic agreed with one of the teachers.

Detailed information is available on the Graduation application page (Presentazione di domanda di laurea)

Last modified 4 October 2022