Institute for Public Policy Research and Collective Choice - POLIS
The Institute promotes and organizes research around the themes of public policies, collective choices and the comparative analysis of political and policy-making concepts, welcoming scholars from different disciplinary sectors related to economics, quantitative methods, political theory, philosophy, history and law.
The research areas include:
- analysis of evolution of the territory and environment
- analysis of public policies
- analysis and evaluation of sector policies (with particular reference to the environment, health, education, work, assistance, family, culture, territory)
- empirical analysis of preferences and social trends
- quantitative methods for economic and social research, analysis and evaluation techniques
- history of doctrines and political institutions; study of the local economy
- behavioural studies
- game theory and conflict analysis
- theory of individual and collective choices
- political theory.
This list is not exhaustive. The Institute considers theoretical, experimental and empirical research to be of equal importance. For more information, visit the page dedicated to Research Areas.
Critical reviews: rankings and assessments
Regarding economic studies, the REPEC archive is of particular importance, a database that collects over 200,000 articles and as many working papers. REPEC also publishes rankings of institutions that carry out economic research. In July 2007, the POLIS Department was ranked in the top 10% of institutions with publications in the economic field in Italy, i.e.,19th place out of over 192 institutions and 112th place in the European Union out of over 1300 institutions.
In 2006, the evaluations of research products by the CIVR (Steering Committee for Research Evaluation) were published, with very complimentary feedback on the products presented by POLIS in the field of economic, political, philosophical and social research. Out of 6 products presented - it should be remembered that the number of products that could be presented was fixed on the basis of numerical consistency of the institutions - 2 were classified as excellent, 3 good, and 1 fair.
Research areas
Study and enhancement of territorial assets
Angelo Torre, Gelsomina Spione and Vittorio Tigrino have carried out numerous research and training activities in the field of territorial history, with a view to understanding the evolution of institutions, cultural and artistic heritage, landscape, mobility and exchanges. The approach combines rigour in the retrieval and cataloguing of sources and in historical analysis with skills on architectural, artistic and geographical aspects. The interaction of research with the territorial stakeholders is possible and has occurred in particular for the enhancement of tourism, not only linked to occasional events, but also in allowing users to enjoy informed and meaningful contact with local heritage, according to new trends emerging in the best European and international examples.
Public policy analysis
Albero Martini and Daniele Bondonio have focused on this field. The methodological approach involves the application of rigorous statistical and econometric techniques to evaluate the effects of public policies and calibrate them, according to the objectives pursued.
The basis of these studies is an accurate reconstruction of regulatory and institutional aspects of the policies investigated, in order to identify problem areas. The premise of the analysis is a painstaking collection of information sources and precise assessment of the quality of data and possibility of integrating information from different sources. The most-commonly investigated fields, also in response to requests arriving from the territory, concern labour policies, vocational training, education, aid to enterprises, and immigration. Interaction with local operators has also had important training implications, in terms of stimulating the improvement of information sources and data collection, and for the development of shared procedures. The work carried out by Leonardo Falduto on business aspects concerning management control, and the drafting of the financial statement for public and private entities, is linked to the line of analysis of public policies.
Applied, experimental and collective choice economics
Roberto Zanola has worked mainly in the field of applied economics and econometrics, with the support of postdocs and PhD students. Among the surveys carried out, also in relation to local operators, there are various econometric and economic analysis works relating to the assessment of demand and costs in the areas of health, environment, culture, and tourism.
Alberto Cassone, Angela Fraschini and Carla Marchese carried out economic analysis work in the fields of local development, the environment, transport, taxation, fiscal federalism, economics of law and institutions. In the latter field, in collaboration with Giovanni Ramello, an expert in the sector recently affiliated with the Department, they have organized international conferences and workshops. The research was supported on a methodological level by Fabio Privileggi. Alberto Cassone in particular was responsible for projects for the European Union and for the CNR in the field of health and environmental economics. Among the significant repercussions in the regional field in the field of education, two masters (DEAS and METROPOLIS) and the Summer School of Environmental Economics, activated every year in collaboration with the "Teobaldo Fenoglio" Environmental Foundation in Turin, are worthy of mention.
The trend of economic experiments was developed by Guido Ortona, Gianna Lotito, Stefania Ottone, Ferruccio Ponzano and Marie-Edith Bissey: the Al.Ex Experimental Economics Laboratory attracted scholars from various Italian and foreign universities to Alessandria who came to present their experiments. The group has organized important international conferences and seminars. One of the most investigated issues at POLIS from an economic point of view is that of collective choices: In particular, thanks to Mario Ferrero, it was possible to make POLIS a center of attraction for scholars working in this field, with frequent exchanges of visiting scholars and the organisation by POLIS of an international conference of the European Public Choice Society in 2002.
History and Politics
Given the number and quality of research activities carried out in this field, it is not possible to construct an organic framework, but only to account for some aspects that are relevant in relation to the territory. We mention, for example, that for four years now the Department has been collaborating regularly with the Culture and Development Association, which has a major role in the cultural panorama of Alexandria, both in the preparation of annual programmes and with the participation in courses and conferences, as speakers or discussants, of various members of the department (Corrado Malandrino, Simona Forti, Maurilio Guasco, Marco Revelli, Giorgio Barberis, Guido Franzinetti, Gabriella Silvestrini and others).
Another very active collaboration, for research, publications and organisation of seminars, is set up with the Institute for the History of the Resistance and Contemporary Society in the Province of Alessandria ISRAL.
Among the cultural events that have received impetus from the Department, we recall the celebrations for the fifth centenary of the birth of St. Pius V. The honorary committee, chaired by the Vatican Secretary of State and by the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities, carried out various activities from December 2002 to January 2004. Maurilio Guasco and Angelo Torre were present on the scientific committee. The events benefited from contributions from the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and the CR Foundation of Alessandria.
Since 2004 Maurilio Guasco and Angelo Torre have been members of the scientific committee for the restructuring of the monumental complex of Santa Croce di Bosco Marengo (Alessandria).
In 2007, in conjunction with the Carlo Jemolo prize, the International Forum on Democracy and Religious Conflicts (FIDR) was set up, which has already organized some meetings and conferences in collaboration with the Culture and Development Association of Alessandria. The programme includes the assignment of research grants, cycles of lectures and conferences of an international nature. Maurilio Guasco and Corrado Malandrino participate as members, on behalf of the Department.
Among the relevant research lines, it is worth mentioning that on modern and contemporary European institutions, which revolves around the Jean Monnet Chair owned by Corrado Malandrino and with which Francesco Ingravalle collaborates. Many local repercussions have occurred, in the form of higher education activities and conferences in collaboration with local authorities and institutions. In particular, mention should be made of the two most relevant research interests that revolve around the theme of identity, the people and the federal constitution of Europe, on the one hand, and the German institutions of the seventeenth century on the other. The issues of political participation and gender policies were developed in particular by Simona Forti and Gabriella Silvestrini. Among their activities with local repercussions, we recall the organisation of numerous international seminars and conferences, the intense exchange with foreign research centres that allowed the arrival of various visiting scholars in Alessandria, and finally the completion of a project for a scholarship. European Marie Curie which will be used by a young German scholar at POLIS in 2007-2008.
The role of volunteering and the third sector has been studied, also in its local aspects, by Marco Revelli and Noemi Podestà, who have created the CIVIS interdepartmental research centre.
Power, law and peace
Among the projects in progress, which have been made possible by local resources (Sanpaolo Foundation), and which are expected to have important repercussions, including territorial ones, the one on "Biopolitics and power", curated by Simona Forti, Giorgio Barberis, Luca Savarino, and aimed at promoting a redefinition of traditional political and ethical categories, in relation to the development of new scientific technologies, medical sciences and, above all, bioethical reflection. The project includes training activities and forms of collaboration and consultancy, also in relation with local authorities.
On the issues of constitutional rights, justice and peace, Joerg Luther has organized numerous seminars and conferences, also in relation to the activities of the Inter-University Center for Peace Studies. In particular, the conference “Einstein's peace”, held in Moncalvo in 2005, is worthy of mention. Other topics studied were bicameralism, duties and European constitutional politics (on which a collection of essays with Giappichelli is currently being published); China and Nepal; fundamental rights and religious symbols. Numerous consultancy and advanced training activities were also carried out by Joerg Luther and Luca Geninatti Satè for local authorities on various issues, such as the methods of managing cultural heritage at the provincial level (theatre of Alessandria, programme agreements for the Citadel of Alessandria, recovery of the artistic heritage of Bosco Marengo etc.). Coordinated training initiatives were held with the State Archives and the office of the Municipality of Alessandria responsible for European planning, with the development of a European writing laboratory. They were set underway in 2007 by Joerg. Luther researches on the simplification of the system of statutory and regulatory sources of the Province of Alessandria, and for the preparation of a social assistance code.
Research projects
Below we recall some research projects carried out at POLIS and having a greater impact in relation to the territory. The projects are classified by type, in relation to the sponsor or entity interested in the topics covered.
Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN)
- “L’uso dei confini: giurisdizioni, territorio e transiti tra Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardia (sec. XVI-XVIII)”,(Use of borders: jurisdictions, territory and transits between Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy in XVI-XVIII centuries) principle investigator prof. Angelo Torre (2004-2005)
- “Aiuti alle imprese nelle aree a declino industriale: la valutazione dell’impatto occupazionale delle politiche con metodi che sfruttano la diversificazione territoriale degli aiuti”, (Aid for companies in industrial decline areas: analysis of employment impact of policies that exploit territorial diversification of assistance) principle investigator prof. Alberto Martini (2004-2005);
- “Standard sanitari nazionali e tutela sanitaria regionale”, (National health standards and regional healthcare) principle investigator prof. Roberto Zanola (2004-5)
- “Confronto quantitativo di sistemi elettorali”, (Qualitative comparison of electoral systems) principle investigator prof. Guido Ortona (2004-5)
- “Ruolo delle istituzioni pubbliche per l’incentivazione della ricerca e dell’innovazione e alternative alla proprietà intellettuale”, (Role of public institutions for incentivisation of research and innovation, and alternatives to intellectual property) research coordinator prof. Alberto Cassone (2005-6);
- “La valutazione dell’impatto netto differenziale tra modalità alternative di intervento nel campo degli aiuti alle imprese e delle politiche del lavoro”, (Evaluation of differential net impact between alternative modes of Talkson in assistance to companies and work policies) research coordinator prof. Daniele Bondonio (2005-6);
- “Uso di un programma di simulazione avanzato per la scelta del sistema elettorale per il Parlamento”,( Use of an advanced simulation program for choosing the electoral system for the Parliament), research coordinator prof. Guido Ortona (2005-6);
- “Proprietà intellettuale, produzione di conoscenza e politiche efficienti nella prospettiva della globalizzazione”, (Intellectual property, knowledge production and efficient policies in the perspective of globalization), research coordinator prof. Giovanni Ramello (2005-6).
Local funds research
- “La valutazione dell'impatto occupazionale delle politiche di aiuto alle imprese artigiane”, (Evaluation of the employment impact of aid policies for craft enterprises) 2004, project leader: prof. Daniele Bondonio, research group member: prof. Alberto Martini;
- “I problemi della "devoluzione" di funzioni”, (The problems of ‘devolution’ of functions) 2004, project leader: prof.ssa Angela Fraschini;
- “I meccanismi di controllo a soglia: una verifica sperimentale”, (The mechanisms of threshold control: experimental analysis) 2004, project leader: prof.ssa Carla Marchese, research group members: prof. Fabio Privileggi;
- “Concorrenza e cooperazione: analisi sperimentale”, (Competition and cooperation: experimental analysis) 2004, project leader: prof. Guido Ortona, research group member: dott.ssa Stefania Ottone;
- “Censimento territoriale e analisi delle fonti”, (Territorial census and analysis of sources) 2004, project leader: dott.ssa Gelsomina Spione, research member: prof. Angelo Torre;
- “La valutazione d’impatto delle politiche di aiuto alle attività produttive industriali: metodi di analisi ed evidenze empiriche con l’utilizzo di micro-dati amministrativi”(The impact assessment of aid policies for industrial production activities: methods of analysis and empirical evidence with the use of administrative micro-data) 2005, coordinator: prof. Daniele Bondonio;
- “Valutazione di esternalità ambientali”, (Assessment of environmental externality) 2005, coordinator prof. Alberto Cassone;
- “Censimenti linguistici nell’area asburgica e post-asburgica, 1870 – 1938”, (Linguistic census in the Hasburg and post-Hasburg area) 2005, coordinator: dott. Guido Franzinetti;
- “L’unione dei comuni: problemi e prospettive”, (The union of the municipalities: problems and perspectives) 2005, coordinator: prof.ssa Angela Fraschini;
- “Diritti umani e pace: un legame possibile?” (Human rights and peace: a possible bond?) 2005, coordinator: prof. Joerg Luther;
- “Il pensiero politico e le dottrine istituzionali della sussidiarietà da Althusius all’Unione europea” (Political thinking and institutional doctrines of subsidiarity from Althusius to the European Union) , 2005, coordinatore: prof. Corrado Malandrino;
- “L’uso di metodi simulativi per la valutazione di sistemi elettorali” (The use of simulative methods for assessment of electoral systems) 2005, coordinator: prof. Guido Ortona;
- “Modelli di crescita con shocks di tipo trend e di tipo ciclico”, (Growth models with trend and cyclical shocks) 2005, coordinator: prof. Fabio Privileggi;
- “Geografia politica e artistica. La dominazione sabauda ad Alessandria: trasformazioni del tessuto urbano ed erudizione storica” (Political and artistic geography. The Savoy domination in Alexandria: transformations of the urban fabric and historical erudition) 2005, coordinator: Gelsomina Spione;
- “Immagini della Trinità nel Piemonte della primissima età moderna” (Images of the Trinity in Piedmont from the very early modern age) 2005, coordinator: prof. Angelo Torre;
- “Il mercato delle arti visive: un’analisi empirica” (The visual arts market: an empirical analysis) 2005, coordinator: prof. Roberto Zanola;
- “La valutazione d'impatto delle misure di sostegno alle attività commerciali nelle aree ad elevato rischio di marginalità socio-economica” (The impact assessment of support measures for commercial activities in areas with a high risk of socio-economic marginality), 2006, project leader: prof. Daniele Bondonio, research group members: dott.ssa Nicoletta Torchio;
- “Il Piemonte nel processo di integrazione europea 1975-2005”, (Piedmont in European integration process 1975-2005) 2006, project leader: prof. Alberto Cassone; research group members dott.ssa Elisa Bianchini;
- “L'espropriazione della salute: Biopolitica, Filosofia e medicina” (The expropriation of health: Biopolitics, Philosophy and Medicine) 2006, project leader: prof.ssa Simona Forti, research group members: dott. Luca Savarino;
- “L'effetto del sostegno al reddito e degli incentivi alle assunzioni sull'uscita dalla disoccupazione dei lavoratori in mobilità”, (The effect of income support and hiring incentives on unemployment of mobile workers) 2006, project leader: prof. Alberto Martini, research group members: dott. Luca Mo Costabella;
- “L'efficienza dello stato sociale: approccio sperimentale”, (The efficiency of the welfare state: an experimental approach ) 2006, project leader: prof. Guido Ortona, research group members: dott.ssa Stefania Ottone, dott. Ferruccio Ponzano, dott.ssa Gianna Lotito;
- “Feudi genovesi e committenza artistica nel Seicento” (Genoese feuds and artistic commissions in the seventeenth century) 2006, project leader: dott.ssa Gelsomina Spione;
- “Un'istituzione intermedia: il Contado di Alessandria, XVI-XVIII secolo”, (An intermediate institution: the Contado di Alessandria, 16th-18th century) 2006, project leader: prof. Angelo Torre;
- “Analisi quantitativa del mercato dell'arte” (Quantitative analysis of the art market) 2006, project leader: prof. Roberto Zanola, research group members: dott. Andrea Sisto;
- “Evaluating the net impact of regional economic development policies: a comparative analysis between the regione Piemonte and the state of Ohio”, 2007, project leader: prof. Daniele Bondonio, research group members: prof. Robert Greenbaum (Ohio State University), prof. Andy Hultquist (Ohio State University), dott.ssa Nicoletta Torchio;
- “Realizzazione di un osservatorio permanente delle pratiche manageriale della pubblica amministrazione”( Creation of a permanent observatory of the managerial practices of the public administration) 2007, project leader: prof. Leonardo Falduto, research group members: dott. Federico Fontana (Università di Genova), dott. Enrico Sorano (Università di Torino), dott. Fabio Serini (Università di Napoli);
- “I media dell’alessandrino e l’unione europea” (The media of Alessandria and the European Union) 2007, project leader: prof. Corrado Malandrino, research group members: dott. Francesco Ingravalle;
- “Sanzioni e premi per la qualità nella regolamentazione delle public utilities” (Sanctions and awards for quality in the regulation of public utilities) 2007, project leader: prof.ssa Carla Marchese;
- “Uso del programma di simulazione di sistemi elettorali alex4.1 per la valutazione comparativa di sistemi elettorali” (Use of the electoral systems simulation program alex4.1 for the comparative evaluation of electoral systems) 2007, project leader: prof. Guido Ortona, research group members: dott.ssa Stefania Ottone, dott. Ferruccio Ponzano;
- “Class action come strumento di regolamentazione” (Class action as a regulatory tool) 2007, project leader: prof. Giovanni Battista Ramello;
- “L'erudizione seicentesca e le fonti visive” (Seventeenth-century scholarship and visual sources) 2007, project leader: dott.ssa Gelsomina Spione;
- “Organizzazione del trasporto terrestre in antico regime” (Organization of land transport in the old regime) 2007, project leader: prof. Angelo Torre, research group members: dott. M. Battistoni (Università di Udine, Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei beni Culturali) and dott. Vittorio Tigrino;
- “Analisi quantitativa in economia: i settori della cultura e della sanità” (Quantitative analysis in economics: the sectors of culture and health), 2007, project leader: prof. Roberto Zanola;
- “Ricerca sul proclama della costituzione spagnola in Alessandria nel 1821” (Research on the Proclamation of the Spanish Constitution in Alexandria in 1821) 2007, project leader: prof. Joerg Luther;
- “Explaining differences in environmental governance patterns between Canada and Italy”, 2007, project leader: prof.ssa Angela Fraschini, research group members: dott. Albert Breton (Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
Research funded by the Piedmont Region, Foundations and local Piedmont bodies, or carried out in partnership with them
The ‘scientific projects of excellence’ for the Piedmont region, funded for a total of 3 billion over 5 years to be shared with the Faculty of Political Sciences (in particular for the start of the Library) and with the Department of Social Research, played a fundamental role in the launch of the Department's activities, with the acquisition of indispensable equipment and equipment. The other projects carried out are listed below.
- Agreement with the Piedmont Region for the health project "Impact of atmospheric pollution on the social costs associated with acute health consequences in the city of Turin" (Prof. Roberto Zanola), 2001;
- Participation, within COREP, in the DIADI project (diffusion of innovation in areas of industrial decline), 2001;
- Agreement with the Province of Alessandria "Collection of scientific and “gray area” bibliography and drafting of a text relating to the museum offer of local museums" (prof. Angelo Torre) 2002;
- Research on “The evaluation of local labour policies. A survey of the Piedmontese situation” (prof. Alberto Martini) 2002;
- Agreement with the Piedmont region for research on “national standards-regional effects: the case of public health” (prof. Roberto Zanola), 2003;
- Agreement between POLIS and the Alessandria Chamber of Commerce for the study on “Situation, economic prospects and possible lines of action of the Chamber of Commerce in the short and medium term” (prof. Alberto Cassone), 2004;
- Research on "Study of integrated tariffs in local Piedmontese public transport with description of the forms of tariff integration existing in the region and methods chosen for the regulation of financial relations" (Prof. Carla Marchese), 2004;
- "Study of data collection and processing on commercial flows in Lower Piedmont between the 18th and 19th centuries" (prof. Angelo Torre), 2004;
- Research on "The impact on the territory of the Special Fund for Volunteering: Verification of the effectiveness of the resources that foundations of banking origin make available to the world of Volunteering in the Piedmont area" (Prof. Marco Revelli), 2005;
- Research on “Investigation and recognition of national and regional regulations on aid to enterprises in Europe” (prof. Alberto Martini), 2005;
- Research on “Processing of statistical data on mobile workers” (prof. Alberto Martini), 2005;
- Research on “Data processing on transit fines” (prof. Angelo Torre), 2005;
- Agreement between POLIS and the Piedmont Region, for the realization, by CERVAP, of a research on "Evaluation of the impact of the incentives given to artisan businesses from sectors other than the artisan sector" (prof. Daniele Bondonio), 2005;
- Research on "The costs of health care for the elderly of ASL 5" (prof. Roberto Zanola), 2005;
- Research contract on "The influence of cultural identity and local governance in territorial development and European integration processes: the Piedmont case" (prof. Marco Revelli and dr. Alberto Chiari), 2006;
- Research project on “Biopolitics today: a reflection on the relationship between life and power”, a project that involves various members of the Department and fellows under the direction of Prof. Simona Forti. The research received significant funding from the Compagnia di San Paolo, 2006;
- Design of an educational park relating to the memory of the Martyrs of the Benedicta: the project, directed by prof. Angelo Torre, obtained the support of the Associazione Memoria della Benedica, 2006;
- Two-year research co-financed by the CRT Foundation as part of the Alfieri project, on "The Alessandria area between identity and sustainable development with particular regard to the municipalities of the EMAS Monferrato association" (prof. Alberto Cassone), 2006;
• Contract for the compilation of 50 catalogue cards of architectural artefacts in the territory of the municipality of Castellazzo Bormida (Dr. Gelsomina Spione), 2006
• Agreement with the Piedmont Region for collaboration in the interregional project “Enhancement and promotion of modern cultural tourism” (prof. Angelo Torre), 2006-2007;
• Patronage of the initiative "Images and truth: cartography and topographical history" (prof. Angelo Torre, dr. Vittorio Tigrino), 2007.
Projects funded by the EU, CNR and other entities
• University-funded study on the impact of the University of Eastern Piedmont on local communities (prof. Angela Fraschini, prof. Alberto Cassone), 2000;
• CNR research “Analysis and forecasting of the demand for health services” (prof. Alberto Cassone), 2002;
• Recycle-set project presented by RREUSE, aimed at defining methods of monitoring and economic evaluation in the environmental field as part of the Community Leonardo da Vinci program (prof. Alberto Cassone), 2002;
• SPRING Project - Integrated Prevention System for the Social Exclusion of Young People - European Union project (prof. Roberto Zanola), 2003;
• Marie Curie Fellowship 2007 contract with Meike Schmidt-Gleim, on "History and future of Europe seen through the lens of the figure of the barbarian" lasting 24 months.
Attached, the Scientific Reports of the activities carried out in 2010 and 2011.
Also available in format .zip POLIS reports, from 1999 to 2011.
2010 – Report on activity implemented
2011 Report on activity implemented
1999 - 2014: Research Project Archive - POLIS
Seminars and conferences
Seminars and conferences on topics linked to the territory
- Seminar LaSPI: "The future of Europe between security and migration" on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Stefano Quirico (University of Eastern Piedmont) "The European Union and terrorism. History, concepts and institutions (1970-2010)" Perugia, Morlacchi, 2016. The author discusses it with Valter Coralluzzo (University of Turin) and Francesco Tuccari (University of Turin); introduces and coordinates Corrado Malandrino (University of Eastern Piedmont); greetings from Salvatore Rizzello, DiGSPES Director, 13 April 2016
- Seminar POLIS Spring / Summer 2015. Talks: Daniele Bondonio: EU Cohesion Policy Funds and Job Quality: a Counterfactual Impact Evaluation with Linked Employer-Employee Data. Lorenzo Sacconi, Common goods and cooperation. Carla Marchese, Common goods: analytical category or political-managerial proposal? Mario Ferrero, Alberto Cassone, "Scheduled Talksons", 10 July 2015;
- Seminar POLIS Winter 2015. Talks: Vito Franco Fragnelli, Stefano Gagliardo, Fabio Gastaldi "Survey of bankruptcy problems with non-standard features". Fabio Gastaldi, Vito Franco Fragnelli, Stefano Gagliardo "Integer bankruptcy problems with non-integer claims". Elisa Rebessi "The Italian Council of State: a self-serving institution?". Andrea Vindigni, Roland Benabou, Davide Ticchi "Forbidden Fruits: The Political Economy of Science, Religion and Growth". Guido Ortona "Suggestions for further research", 30 January 2015;
- Seminar POLIS Autumn 2014. Talks: Guido Ortona "A neo-Keynesian proposal to counter the crisis". Carla Marchese, Fabio, Privileggi "A Competitive Idea-Based Growth Model with Shrinking Workers' Income". Andrea Venturini, Alberto Cassone "A Simple Model of Myopic Behavior in Legislature", 17 October 2014;
- Seminar POLIS Summer 2014, with the participation of scholars from various disciplinary sectors, 4 July 2014;
- Seminar POLIS Spring 2014. Talks: Francesco Ingravalle, Tiziana C. Carena, Stefano Parodi, Ezio Ercole, Carla Aira, Cristian Mascia, Faliero Salis "The event: a transversal category for the historical, social and political sciences". Piermassimo Pavese "The determinants of the Italian real estate market: context and proximity analysis". Guido Ortona "Public employees are too few". Federica Gerbaldo "Do moral damages awards hide a punitive nature? The case of protection of property rights before the European Court of Human Rights". Rustam Romaniuc "Accident Costs, Resource Allocation and Individual Rationality: Calabresi vs. Blum and Kalven". Andrea Venturini "Strategic Voting with Correlated Signals". Alberto Cassone "University autonomy and social responsibility. Governance and Accountability", 11 April 2014;
- Promoting and reporting good deeds: Fundraising and Social Report, presentation by Prof. Alberto Cassone and presentation by dott.ssa Simona Biancu, 8 February 2014;
- Seminar POLIS Winter 2014: Talks: Marilena Mezzatesta, Vittorio Tigrino "Onesta Carpenè's archive: inventory and enhancement of a source for the history of international cooperation". Federica Briata, Vito Fragnelli "Lakelet, extensions of Printers Game". Keynote Lecture: Suri Ratnapala, University of Queensland (Australia) and ICER Torino "Bills of Rights in Functioning Democracies: Kantian, Consequentialist and Institutionalist Objections Considered", introduced by Giovanni Ramello and speaker Joerg Luther. Alessandro Melcarne "Judges' Incentives and Review Granting in the Italian Constitutional Court". Roberto Ippoliti, Giovanni Battista Ramello, Greta Falavigna "Judicial delay and firms’ defaults". Mario Ferrero "Why the Arab Spring may be turning Islamic: The political economy of Islam". Vito Fragnelli, Josep Freixas, Montserrat Pons, Lluis Sanmiquel "Some measures to evaluate the importance of factors contributing in a process", 24 January 2014;
- Seminar LaSPI Alessandria and its province in the 'long Risorgimento' with presentation of the books: "L'Italia liberale di Giuseppe Saracco and Mayrino Ferraris", edited by S. Quirico, Florence, CET, 2012 and "Rattazzi and the Alexandrian statesmen between history, politics and institutions", edited by F. Ingravalle and S. Quirico, Turin, Claudiana, 2012. In the presence of the curators and authors, speakers: Maurilio Guasco (University of Eastern Piedmont), Franco Livorsi (University of Milan). Introduced and coordinated by: Corrado Malandrino (University of Eastern Piedmont), November 26, 2013;
- Seminar POLIS Autumn 2013. Talks by: Roberto Ippoliti "Efficienza e geografia giudiziaria". Roberto Ippoliti, Giovanni B. Ramello, Alessandro Melcarne "Judicial Efficiency & Entrepreneurship: a European Perspective". Ferruccio Ponzano, G. Andrighetto, S. Ottone, S. Steinmo "Willing to Pay? An experimental analysis on tax compliance". Andrea Venturini "Cheap Talk with Transfers". Fabio Privileggi "Takeoff vs. Stagnation in Endogenous Recombinant Growth Models". Federica Briata "Non co-operative Games from TU Games with Information Cost", 25 October 2013;
- Seminar POLIS Summer 2013. Talks by: Giovanna Garrone, Guido Ortona "Safety, happiness, quality of life and public services (updates on IIIMBEMA research)". Piermassimo Pavese "Public infrastructures and the real estate market: the factors of mutual influence. The case of the Turin-Lyon high-speed line". Simone Marsiglio "Economic Growth and Environment: Tourism as a Trigger for Green Growth". Roberto Ippoliti " Geography and Judicial Efficiency". Vito Fragnelli, Alessandro Agnetis "Some Non Standard Features of Bargaining Problems", 28 June 2013;
- Seminar POLIS spring 2013. Talks by: Francesco Ingravalle "For an unusual historical look: the essay on" The acceleration of history "by Daniel Halévy (1872-1972)". Michele Giuranno "District Size: Centralized versus Decentralized Free-riding". Fabio Berton, Daniele Bondonio "The Impact of Educational Costs on Enrolment, Retention and Graduation outcomes: Evidence from a University Reform". Mario Ferrero "Thresholds in Religion: Christianity, Judaism and Islam". Guido Ortona "The King of the Khazars and the Marquis of Condorcet", May 17, 2013;
- Industry and society in Tortona. The social responsibility of entrepreneurs and the figure of Wilmer Graziano 9 March 2013;
- Seminar POLIS Winter 2013. Talks by: Vito Fragnelli "Communication Structures and Incompatible Agents". Cristina Orso, Enrico Fabrizi "Microcredit and Women's Empowerment: a Bayesian Latent Variable Model for the Analysis of Bangladesh Data". Andrea Venturini "A Principal-Agent Model for Public Projects". Graziano Abrate, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli, Davide Vannoni "The Costs of Corruption in the Italian Solid Waste Industry". Alberto Cassone, Tiziana Caliman "University Students Mobility and Small Universities: the Case of UPO". Giorgia Casalone, Carmen Aina "Does Time-to-Degree Matter? The Effect of Delayed Graduation on Employment and Wages". Guido Ortona "Il Re dei Cazari e il Marchese di Condorcet", 1° March 2013;
- Seminar POLIS Autumn 2012. Talks by: Fabio Berton, Matteo Richiardi, Stefano Sacchi "Polarization and Nonstandard Work: Qualifications for the Skill-biased Technological Change Theory". Matteo Migheli "Gender at Work: Incentives and Signalling". Cinzia Di Novi, Vincenzo Carrieri, Rowena Jacobs, Silvana Robone "Insecure, Sick and Unhappy? Well-being Consequences of Temporary Employment Contracts", 30 November 2012;
- Seminar POLIS Summer 2012. Talks by: Pavol Minarik "Religion and Transition in Post-Communist Countries". Mario Ferrero "Competition Between Exclusive Religions: the Demise of Jewish Proselytism and the Counter-Reformation". Daniele Bondonio "Is it Worth it? An Impact Evaluation of 10 Years of Investment Subsidies to Italian Firms". Laura Bianchini, Santino Piazza "Federalismo fiscale e redistribuzione: l'effetto distributivo dei benefici in kind a livello regionale. Un'applicazione a tre regioni Italiane". Gian-Luigi Bulsei "Si può fare! Cooperative di inserimento lavorativo e politiche locali". Guido Ortona, Matteo Migheli, Ferruccio Ponzano "Do Small Centrist Parties Enjoy too much Power?". Magalì Fia "CSR e Accountability delle Università", 29 June 2012;
- Seminario POLIS Primavera 2012. Talks di: John O. McGinnis "Accelerating Democracy: Matching Governance to Technological Change". Carla Marchese, Giorgio Brosio, Roberto Zanola "The Welfare Costs of National Standards: a Contribution to the Debate on the Outcomes of De/centralization". Fabio Privileggi, Carla Marchese, Simone Marsiglio, Giovanni Ramello "Intellectual Property Rights and Market Production of Knowledge in a Decentralized Endogenous Recombinant Growth Model". Mario Ferrero "From Jesus to Christianity: the Economics". Vito Fragnelli, Stefano Gagliardo "Cooperative Models for Allocating an Object". Simone Marsiglio "Reassessing Edgeworth's Conjecture when Population Dynamics is Stochastic". Michela Chessa, Vito Fragnelli "The Bargaining Set for Sharing the Power", 25 May 2012;
- Seminar LaSPI A century after the first Italian edition of Roberto Michels' Sociology of the party (1912-2012): dedicated to the political thinking of Roberto Michels, starting from the 100th anniversary of the first Italian edition of the Sociology of the Party, which appeared in Turin in 1912. The initiative intends to examine the now classic volume of the Italian-German intellectual, reconstructing its genesis and highlighting its contribution to the history of political and social ideas, also focusing on the food for thought that Michelsian theories provide for the debate on institutions and political movements in the contemporary world.
Talks di: Corrado Malandrino (Università del Piemonte Orientale) "Michels tra sociologia, storia e politica". Timm Genett, author of "Der Fremde im Kriege. Zur politischen Theorie und Biographie von Robert Michels 1876—1936, Berlin" Akademie Verlag, 2008. Marco Revelli (Università del Piemonte Orientale) "The oligarchic tendencies of the parties yesterday and today", 29 March 2012; - Master degree lessons "A Half Century of Research on Patent Economics" and "Mergers and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry" by prof. Frederic M. Scherer (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University). 26 and 27 March 2012;
- Conference Autonomy and social responsibility of the university: governance and accountability in the reform process: POLIS in collaboration with EconomEtica the conference entitled "Autonomy and social responsibility of the university: governance and accountability in the reform process" inherent in the search for impact assessment of recent changes in universities and comparing them with the various reference models, highlighting the virtues of a socially project leader model of autonomy, based on the enhancement of the specific human capital of the academic community and on the multi-stakeholder and multi-trust governance approach. March 2, 2012;
- Seminar POLIS Winter 2012. Talks by: Angelo Torre "Religious Orders and Civil Society in Piedmont 1560 - 1860 (CRESO Project)". Luca Giana "Notes from the innocent investigation: religious orders in Piedmont in the 17th century". Carlo Bertelli "A geodatabase for historical research: places, sources, anachronisms". "Vito Fragnelli, Balbina Casas-Méndez, Ignacio Garcìa-Jurado" A Survey of Allocation Rules for the Museum Pass Problem ". Roberto Ippoliti, Greta Falavigna" Pharmaceutical clinical research and regulation: an impact evaluation of health policy ". Giovanni Ramello" Plans urban planning and building rights market. Alain Marciano "Calabresi and the co-invention of the Coase theorem", February 17, 2012;
- Conference SIDE - ISLE 2011 - SEVENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE at Palazzo Nuovo (Turin). Sito della Società Italiana di Diritto ed Economia. 16 and 17 December 2011;
- Rights between history and the European dimension, Gustavo Gozzi (University of Bologna). Introduced by Corrado Malandrino, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and President of LaSPI, 7 December 2011;
- Conference The rules of battle organized by the Inter-University Centre for Peace Studies at the Einaudi Foundation in Turin. 1st and 2nd December 2011;
- Conference on local public transport and areas with low mobility demand in the Province of Alessandria. The option of booking services at the Volpedo Town Hall; November 26, 2011;
- Seminar of the ruling classes and government of the city of Alessandria in the long Risorgimento (1798-1861): introduced by Corrado Malandrino (Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences - President of La.S.P.I.); Report by Roberto Livraghi (Researcher La.S.P.I. - Deputy Director of the Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria), November 15, 2011;
- Third annual CIPESS scientific conference, at the Rosselli Foundation in Turin. November 10, 2011;
- Seminar POLIS Autumn 2011 and PRIN results 2007. Talks by: Alberto Cassone "Territorial mobility and social mobility: an analysis on Alma Laurea data of 2010 graduates". Cinzia Di Novi "Models Simulating the Effect of Different Price System and Regulation Schemes on Demand of Water in Urban Areas". Vito Fragnelli, Balbina Casas-Méndez, Ignacio Garcìa-Jurado "Weighted Bankruptcy Rules and the Museum Pass Problem". Luca Garavaglia, Flavio Ceravolo, Giacomo Balduzzi, Alessandro Busso, Luca Storti "The agri-food sector of Cuneo in the Northern system". Marcello Montefiori "The costs of the First Aid". Andrea Pogliano "Immigration and the media: which representations and which representations?". Vittorio Tigrino, Luca Giana "Local and institutional: for a history of institutions between the ancient regime and the contemporary age". Gianna Lotito, Anna Maffioletti, Carmela Di Mauro, Daniela Giammanco "Experimental analysis of the effects of ambiguity on the theory of individual decisions - Applications to decisions on health and markets (presentation of PRIN results prot. 2007MCKEYA_004)", 7 October 2011
- International conference of statesmen and politicians in the long Risorgimento. Rattazzi, Lanza, Ferraris (and others), scientific project leader Corrado Malandrino. 6-8 October 2011
- Seminar POLIS Summer 2011. Talks by: Fabio Berton, Pietro Garibaldi "Workers and Firms sorting into Temporary Jobs". Roberta Cevasco "Pastoralism as a geographical heritage: its role in shaping Historical Rural Landscapes in Italy". Vito Fragnelli, Federica Briata, Marco Dall'Aglio "Dynamic Collusion and Collusion Games in Knaster Procedure". Elisa Rebessi "The case of the construction of the mosque in via Urbino in Turin: a social Nimby?". Laura Priore "Migration and diversification of services: the case of ritual slaughter". Michela Chessa, Vito Fragnelli "A quantitative evaluation of veto power". Giovanni Cerino Badone "The culture of the material: the Citadel of Alessandria". Carla Marchese "Conflict of interest among taxpayers and tax evasion (MIUR contribution prot. 2007E5FRFZ_003)", July 8, 2011;
- Seminar "Politics, barbarism and world order at the dawn of the 21st century". On the occasion of the presentation of the book "Politisches Denker im Ubergang ins 21 Jahrhundert. Ruckfall in die Barbarei oder Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung?" by prof. Frank Deppe, the author talks with Corrado Malandrino (University of Eastern Piedmont - Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences), Alberto Cassone (University of Eastern Piedmont - Director of the POLIS Department); Gian Mario Bravo (professor emeritus, University of Turin), Marco Revelli (University of Eastern Piedmont), Giorgio Barberis (University of Eastern Piedmont) and Jörg Luther (University of Eastern Piedmont), 6 May 2011;
- Study Day: "Giuseppe Saracco and Mayrino Ferraris between the 'Long Risorgimento' and the Unified State". Acqui Terme, April 8, 2011;
- Seminar POLIS Spring 2011. Talks by: Alberto Cassone, Tiziana Caliman "The role of small universities to promote human capital accumulation: the case of University of Piemonte Orientale". Fabio Berton, Francesco Devicienti, Lia Pacelli "Human capital accumulation in temporary jobs: specific or general?". Elisabetta Lurgo, Angelo Torre "The prophetic language in Piedmont of the modern age". Carla Marchese, Roberto Bombana "Regulation in media markets: the case of music radio stations". Joerg Luther "The European legal concept of autonomy". Simone Marsiglio, Vincenzo Capasso, Davide La Torre "A Quasi-Neoclassical Theory of Economic Growth". Luca Giana "Institutions and territory in the Republic of Genoa: the captaincy of Ovada in the seventeenth century". Vito Fragnelli, Federica Briata, Marco Dall'Aglio "Dynamic Collusion and Collusion Games in Knaster Procedure". Michela Chessa, Vito Fragnelli "Embedding classical indices in the FP family". Michele Giuranno, Rongili Biswas "Migration and Inter-regional Public Policy". Fabio Berton, Pietro Garibaldi "Workers and firms sorting into temporary jobs". April 1, 2011;
- Seminar "The Sinti community in Tortona: results of an empirical research study". Talks by: Silvana Muratori (Municipality of Tortona), Alberto Chiari (University of Eastern Piedmont), Barbara D’Agostino (Prefecture - Territorial Office of the Government - Asti), Sabrina Boraso (Consorzio C.A.S.A., Gattinara VC), 30 March 2011;
- Seminar "Pacifism in Martin Wight", on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Michele Chiaruzzi: "Politics of power in the age of the Leviathan. Martin Wight's international theory", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008. Talks by: Michele Chiaruzzi (University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”), Damiano Palano (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan), Moderate the discussion: Stefano Procacci (University of Eastern Piedmont “A. Avogadro”, Alessandria), 16 March 2011;
- Seminar "Religion and Politics between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries": Study Day in honour of Maurilio Guasco. February 16, 2011;
- Seminar POLIS Winter 2011. Talks by: Alberto Cassone, Elisa Rebessi and Laura Priore "Religion and integration policies". Giovanni Ramello and Matteo Migheli "Women in Piracy". Fabio Berton and Carla Marchese "The impact assessment of consumer incentives as a tool to combat tax evasion: the case of building renovations in Italy (presentation of PRIN results prot. 2007E5FRFZ_003)". Carolina Gasparoli "Public space and rights". Giorgio Barberis "Cassandra's nemesis. Ivan Illich's thought between the pathogenesis of modernity and possible escape routes". Fabio Privileggi "Transition Dynamics in Endogenous Recombinant Growth Models by means of Projection Methods". Andrea Lanza "Death of ideologies? Some interpretative proposals starting from the case of Italy in the 1970s". Noemi Podestà and Alberto Chiari "The quality of deliberative processes". Projects with the Olivetti Foundation. Ing. Carlo Ronca "Intangibles in the private and public economy". Angelo Torre, Vittorio Tigrino and Luca Giana "An applied history: the historical-territorial file of the Piedmontese municipalities, 1994-2011". Marzia Ponso "Politics of memory in Germany". Stefano Quirico "The political and intellectual biography of Mayrino Ferraris: themes and profiles of the research". Annalisa Ceron "Biopolitics and counter - ethical conduct". Simone Marsiglio "On the relationship between population change and sustainable development". Daniele Bondonio "Revitalizing regional economies through enterprise support policies: An impact evaluation of multiple instruments". Jörg Luther "Constitutional pluralism within UE". Guido Franzinetti "The periodization of the contemporary age after the end of the Cold War", January 21, 2011;
- Seminar " The railway question in Italy. From Cavour to Carlo Francesco Ferraris ", Francesco Ingravalle. Introduced by: Corrado Malandrino. Completion of the unification of Italy and the “railway question”: lines of development from the Cavour Prime Minister to the State Railways exercise promoted by the Minister of Works Public Carlo Francesco Ferraris in 1905. 14 January 2011;
- Study day: Garibaldi, Alessandria and Europe. October 22, 2010;
- POLIS Seminar Autumn 2010: presentation of the following papers: Cinzia DI NOVI, "The Indirect Effect of Fine Particulate Matter on Health through Individuals' Life Style"; Franco AMISANO and Alberto CASSONE, “An Alternative to Traditional Intellectual Property in Pharmaceutical Sector”; Guido ORTONA, “Plurality, Proportionality, Government and Fac-tions”; Fabio PRIVILEGGI (with Rongili BISWAS and Carla MARCHESE), “Tax Evasion in a Principal-Agent Model with Self-Protection”; Richard WATT, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and SER-CI - Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues “Revenue Sharing as Compensation for Copyright Holders”; Lorenzo SACCONI, University of Trento and EconomEtica "Can the company do without a moral code?". 8 October 2010;
- The Bios Research Centre on Biopolitics presents the seminar entitled Medical care between subjective law and public practices, Roseni Pinheiro. Roseni Pinheiro, after graduating as a nurse, specializing in Hospital Management and PhD in Public Health Research, currently teaches at the IMS (Institute of Social Medicine) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro; June 25, 2010;
- Presentation and discussion on Luigi Bonanate's book "The crisis - The international system twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall". Talks by Luigi Bonanate (author); Gabriella Silvestrini, University of Eastern Piedmont, Stefano Procacci, University of Eastern Piedmont; June 10, 2010;
- Seminar presented by BIOS: Necessity of nature?, Luca Savarino. 3-4 June 2010;
- Seminar World Poverty and Human Rights, Thomas W.M. Pogge. Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University. May 27, 2010;
- Seminar Ideas of Italy and the Unitary State, Corrado Malandrino; May 14, 1010;
- Seminar entitled Agent Based Simulation and Artificial Neural Network, Pietro Terna of the Faculty of Economics, University of Turin. The Interuniversity Center of Experimental and Simulative Psychology and Economics organizes the seminar entitled "Agent Bases Simulation and Artificial Neural Network" by profs. Vito Fragnelli (Faculty of Sciences MFN, University of Eastern Piedmont) and Guido Ortona (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont). May 13, 2010;
- Presentation and discussion of the book "Unavoidable violence: a modern lie" by Piero P. Giorgi, Jaca Book, Milan, 2008. Organized by the Inter-university Center for Peace Studies, with the participation of: Piero P. Giorgi, Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Queensland and the European Center of Gargnano; Gabriella Silvestrini, University of Eastern Piedmont; Francesco Ingravalle, University of Eastern Piedmont. May 12, 2010;
- The 7th PEARL Conference - Public Economics At the Regional and Local level: international conference, organized by POLIS with IRES Piemonte organizes the conference "The seven PEARL Conference - Public Economics at Regional and Local level" which will be attended by highly qualified scholars from European and non-European countries. 6-7 May 2010;
- Meeting on the theme of collective land and common resources. Between historiographical reconstruction and administrative and judicial assessment, Angelo Torre. April 30, 2010;
- Interoperability and open standards seminar: an economic analysis from a European perspective, Nicola Matteucci, April 19, 2010;
- Politics and Money Seminar, Michele Giuranno, April 16, 2010;
- Flex-insecurity seminar, (or why, in Italy, flexibility turns into precariousness) Fabio Berton, April 16, 2010;
- International study conference "Fortresses" War Enhancement Archeology Management Society, Angelo Torre. 25 - 27 February 2010;
- VIII Workshop of the Italian Society of Economics and Industrial Policy. Proceedings of the conference, January 28 - 29, 2010
- European (Ex) changes seminar, Meike Schmidt - Gleim; 18 and 19 December 2009;
- European Workshop in Law, Economics and Collective Decision Making; Proceedings of the conference 4 - 5 June 2009;
- Meeting on Libraries, Education and Territory. May 26, 2009;
- Lunch seminar Should I help my neighbour? Self-interest, altruism and economic analysis of rescue laws, Alain Marciano. 20 May 2009;
- Seminars Laffer Curve in a non-Leviathan scenario: a Real Effort Experiment, Ferruccio Ponzano. The one-dollar game: a reinterpretation, Matteo Migheli. 8 May 2009;
- Calvino and political Calvinism from the sixteenth-century origins to the contemporary age. Organization and scientific direction: Corrado Malandrino and Luca Savarino.
- New features and new applications of the electoral systems simulation program ALEX4, Marie-Edith Bissey, Vito Fragnelli and Guido Ortona; Putting Citizens First: Representation and Power in the European Union, Friedrich Pukelsheim, University of Augsburg. March 30, 2009;
- Peace and war in the European Renaissance. On the occasion of the Italian edition of the translation of Albertico Gentili's De Iure belli. March 4, 2009;
- Property systems in the twentieth century: reforms, restitutions and privatizations. 10 - 11 February 2009;
- Temporary jobs: Port of entry, Trap, or just Unobserved, Fabio Berton. Download the Working paper n.° 79 - LABOR; 4 February 2009;
- Pooling Sovereignty and Subsidiarity Principle, Michele Giuranno. Download the Working Paper n° 2009/01 -The University of York 4 February 2009;
- Seminar of BIOS Research Centre on Biopolitics: Health and Disease: A Problem Between (Bio) Ethics and (Bio) Politics, Paolo Cattorini, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Insubria. The traditional sense of care, as the restoration of a health condition, is overcome and challenged by new concepts of medicine and corporeality. Against the background of this awareness, the topics addressed in the seminar unfold: from the rethinking of the idea of a 'healthy body' to the definition of new ethical and political choices. November 21, 2008;
- Agonistic Public Spaces and Democratic Politics, Chantal Mouffe, University of Westminster. Torino, 20 November 2008;
- Innovation and patents: the case of India, Sudip Chauchuri (Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta). November 19, 2008;
- Robust Normative Comparisons of Socially Risky Situations, Nicolas Gravel. Download the working paper. 11 November 2008;
- Sustainability as a transdisciplinary concept in Aurelio Peccei, in the theories and practices of sustainability, Francesco Ingravalle. November 7, 2008;
- Seminars: Regional Income Disparity and the Size of the Public Sector, Michele Giuranno.
- Onthe seggregative properties of endogenous jurisdiction formation with a central government, Rongili Biswas. 24 October 2008;
- The new technologies of music, Ruggero Tajé, Giovanni B. Ramello. The appointment, organized in collaboration with the Information Economics course, is aimed at discussing the role of new technologies in defining the recording market. Music has become an 'information asset' and an object of economic exchange as a consequence of the invention and diffusion of instruments for recording and reproducing sounds. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the first instrument, the phonograph, eloquently spoke of 'canned sound'. Today, the advent of digital technologies and the Internet has pushed music and its production and consumption potential far beyond what the American inventor imagined. The meeting will deal with the most recent technological innovations to produce sounds, music and musical files thanks to the contribution of Ruggero Tajé, composer and teacher at the Milan Conservatory, graduate of the DAMS in Bologna and a pupil of Angelo Paccagnini, who has participated since the time of Phonology studio of the RAI in Milan for the research and application of electronic and digital technologies in the music field. October 15, 2008;
- The New Television, Giovanni B. Ramello. 10 October 2008;
- Open Societies vs Intellectual Enclosures. Innovation, Imitation and Economic Growth.4 October 2008;
- The Demand for Environmental Regulation and for Trade in the Presence of Private Mitigation, Stanley Winer. Download the Working paper. 10 July 2008;
- Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Economists and the Moral Trial, Alessandro Lanteri. Download the Working paper n.° 44/2007 - ICER. 7 June 2008;
- Studying the Role of Political Competition in the Evolution of Government Size Over Long Horizons, Stanley Winer. Download the Working paper. 17 June 2008;
- Limited rationality as a capacity, Marco Novarese. 10 June 2008;
- Players' heterogeneity and longer-run equilibria in the private provision of public goods - an experimental analysis, Francesco Burlando, Università di Torino. 10 June 2008;
- Utility Maximization, Choice and Preferences, Fuad Aleskerov (Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics). 23 May 2008;
- Recognizing the transformations: barcodes and post-democracy, Gianfranco Borrelli (Universita' degli Studi di Napoli). 19 May 2008;
- The Beauty of Morality, Agnes Heller (New School for Social Research, New York). 8 May 2008;
- Thucydides: human nature and the inevitability of war, Giovanni Giorgini (University of Bologna). This lesson is part of the Political Theory course. May 6, 2008;
- Development of Positive Attitudes among Youth and the Trust Game, Matteo Migheli. 11 April 2008;
- Subsidiary power and "crisis of the state": heuristic fruitfulness of the study on the model of the sixteenth-century judicial state, Francesco Ingravalle. April 11, 2008;
- Reading the archives: the case of Romania in 1944-1965. A discussion on Stefano Bottoni, Red Transylvania. Romanian Communism and the National Question (1944-1965) (Rome: Carocci, 2007), Stefano Bottoni. April 4, 2008;
- Perspectives of constitutionalism in China, Tong Zhiwei (East China University of the Politics and Law). 29 February 2008;
- The functionalism of D. Mitrany: from Economics to Political Science, Stefano Parodi. February 29, 2008;
- The paths of participation: the town meeting in Tuscany, Antonio Floridia, Iolanda Romano. November 30, 2007;
- What is historical consciousness ?, Mario Miegge. October 26, 2007;
- Pre-modern Covenant and Covenantalism in Daniel Judah Elazar Federalist Elaboration, Corrado Malandrino. October 26, 2007;
- Cycle of seminars organized by CIVIS on Participation and deliberation. October 16, 2007;
- Cultural Revolution and Marxist Politics - University of Nanjing, Shen Han. September 4, 2007;
- The special relationship between the UK and the USA in the context of the of the cold war and the globalization, Andrea Bosco. 19 June 2007;
- Simulation and other quantitative methodologies for the evaluation of electoral systems. The conference is organized on the occasion of the presentation of the simulation program of electoral systems ALEX4.1, developed at the POLIS department of the University of Eastern Piedmont as part of the Research Project of National Interest 2005149555. 4 June 2007;
- Historicity and reading of sources: an administrative reform in France in 1848, Maurizio Gribaudi. May 30, 2007;
- Emergence and Persistence of Inefficient States, Andrea Vindigni (Princeton University). Download the Working paper. 25 May 2007;
- Nuclear weapons today and their proliferation: Korea, Iran, USA and Russia., Mario Vadacchino. Presentation slides. April 3, 2007;
- The Specialist Degree Course in European Studies presents: Research activity after graduation, Political involvement and voting: different languages for different audiences, Lorenzo De Sio. March 16, 2007;
- Marc Bloch, 'Apology of history or the profession of historian': suggestions and guidelines for use, Manlio Calegari, 7 March 2007;
- The nuclear non-proliferation treaty: challenges and perspectives, Santina Ragusa. Download the Seminar program. February 23, 2007;
- The management of territorial assets between planning and history of the territory. The case of the Basil Park (1999-2005), Carlo Bertelli. February 16, 2007;
- The activity and research programs of the AL.EX laboratory, Gianna Lotito, Guido Ortona, Stefania Ottone, Ferruccio Ponzano. February 16, 2007;
- International conference Introducing class actions in Europe: a comparative law and economics perspective. January 26, 2007;
- Conference on Giuseppe Ferraro on the centenary of his birth, with the participation of prof. Joerg Luther, 2007;
- Conference on Giuseppe Saracco between local life and national scenarios, Acqui Terme, with the participation of prof. Maurilio Guasco, prof. Corrado Malandrino presided over the opening and first session of the works, 2 - 3 March 2007;
- Deliberative Democracy Seminar: Theories and Practices, Alberto Chiari, Noemi Podestà. 15/12/2006;
- The Italian-French Workshops in Law and Economics. In terms of institutions, law and economics, France and Italy have many common roots. Nonetheless, today the opportunity arises to develop a new dialogue to face together the changes and challenges that the processes of globalization and European integration propose. This comparison must necessarily broaden the horizons to include other organizational and legal traditions, both European and international. The interview, organized on the occasion of the launch of the Italian-French Master's Degree in Economics and Public Policies, in collaboration between the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Faculté des Sciences Economiques of the University of Rennes 1, under the auspices of the Italian-French University, provides an opportunity to discuss the new educational opportunities offered to European university students and offers a moment of scientific dialogue between scholars from the two countries. November 8, 2006;
- Seminar An economic analysis of participation in abrogative referendums, Roberto Ricciuti (ICER). 13 October 2006;
- Evaluating the D.M. 509/99 reform of the Italian university system, Daniele Bondonio. September 29, 2006;
- Cycle of conferences "Knowledge and recovery of a heritage: The restoration of the Madonna del Carmine” by Anton Maria Maragliano, Daniele Sanguineti. Castellazzo Bormida, June 16, 2006;
- Electoral behaviour, between rationality and emotions. Trends and interpretations: U.S.A., France and Italy. The conference aims to compare qualified scholars from the U.S.A., France and Italy, in order to discuss the interpretative models of the vote. The conference is organized by the Adriano Olivetti Foundation and the Department of Public Policies and Collective Choices - POLIS, University of Eastern Piedmont. The scientific committee is made up of: Guido Ortona, Pasquale Pasquino and Gabriella Silvestrini. 5 June 2006.
- Workshop: methodological perplexities in experimental economics. 29/5/2006 - 30/5/2006, Università di Trento, Trento;
- Social Welfare and Coercion in Public Finance, Stanley Winer. 26 May 2006;
- Information, intellectual property and economic welfare - The legacy to the Arrow-Nelson paradigm. Fondazione Einaudi (Torino), 15 and 16 May 2006;
- Study Days "For a History of the Bosco delle Sorti - La Communa". Basilica of San Francesco - Cassine, 12 May 2006;
- Seminar in the field of Comparative Political Sciences and European Culture: European integration in security issues and Atlantic relations after 1989, Marco Clementi8 May 2006;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in European Studies: Qu'importe qui parle? Paul Kottman, New School for Social Research (NY). In the seminar we will take as a starting point the question "Qu'importe qui parle?" to see to what extent this is a question also endowed with 'political' relevance. Critically, a reflection on the relationship between speech and politics is deepened from an 'Arendtian' perspective, a perspective that of the question "who are you?" it also sheds light on the question "who is speaking?". The seminar aims to understand the relationship between the speaker and the speech he makes, says or tells. The issues addressed also help to understand that what most threatens the centrality of the 'political' relationship between the speaker and his speech is not the lie [pseudos], but the imitation [mimesis], which belongs above all to theatrical activity. 20-28 March 2006;
- Seminar within the Degree Course in Management of Territorial Assets: Methods for the study of sources. March 17 - May 26, 2006;
- Neighborhood policies: Valsesia, 17th-18th century, Angelo Torre. March 17, 2006;
- Seminar within the Degree Course in Management of Territorial Heritage: Management and enhancement of cultural heritage: museums, parks, landscape. 6 March - 9 June 2006;
- Cycle of conferences "Knowledge and recovery of a heritage" The cataloging of the artistic and architectural heritage of Castellazzo. First results” Cristina Giusso, Chiara Fornaro, Gelsomina Spione. Castellazzo Bormida, March 3, 2006;
- Determinants of Direct Democracy across Europe seminar, Roberto Ricciuti (ICER). February 24, 2006;
- Seminar Viewing spatial consequences of budgetary policy changes, Robert Greenbaum (Ohio State University). 16 February 2006;
- Cycle of conferences "Knowledge and recovery of a heritage: Medieval sculptures in Castellazzo”, Fulvio Cervini. Castellazzo Bormida, February 3, 2006;
- Simulations on the Italian electoral system, Guido Ortona, Stefania Ottone and Ferruccio Ponzano; January 27, 2006;
- Seminar Pure economics and historical method in economics in the debate between Einaudi and Michels, Corrado Malandrino. January 27, 2006
- Cycle of conferences "Knowledge and recovery of a heritage", linked to a project promoted by the Piedmont region relating to the enhancement of the historical heritage of Castellazzo Bormida: "Knowledge and recovery of a heritage", "Medieval sculptures in Castellazzo", (dott. Fulvio Cervini), “The cataloguing of the artistic and architectural heritage of Castellazzo. First results." (Dr. Cristina Giusso, Chiara Fornaro, Gelsomina Spione), “The restoration of the Madonna del Carmine by Anton Maria Maragliano” (Dr. Daniele Sanguineti), 2006;
- 60th Anniversary of the Republican Institutions, sponsorship for ISRAL cultural initiatives, Alessandria, 2006;
- Cycle of six seminars for the fiftieth anniversary of the Republic, organized on behalf of the Province of Alessandria by prof. Joerg Luther in collaboration with ISRAL, Inter-university Centre for Peace Studies, Goethe Institute and Novi newspaper in Alessandria (2), Casale, Ovada, Novi and Tortona, 2006;
- Seminar by Dr. C. Bertelli: The management of territorial assets between planning and history of the territory. The case of the Basil Park (1999-2005), 2006;
- Seminar by Dr. Gianna Lotito, by prof. Guido Ortona, of Dr. Stefania Ottone, of Dr. Ferruccio Ponzano: The activities and research programs of the AL.EX laboratory, 2006;
- Cycle of seminars by Dr. Marco Sisti on the evaluation as part of the research The impact on the territory of the Special Fund for Volunteering: verification of the effectiveness of resources that banking foundations supply to the world of volunteering in the Piedmont area, 2005;
- Seminar by Dr. Ferruccio Ponzano The secession of the provinces in Italy, 2005;
- Endogenous Constitutions Seminar, Andrea Vindigni (Princeton University). December 21, 2005;
- Conversion, exclusivity, and strictness seminar: A model of extremism in universal religions, Mario Ferrero. December 16, 2005;
- Seminar Ways of Learning in a Simple Economic Setting: a Comparison, Vincenzo Valori (University of Florence). 2 December 2005;
- Presentation Does the mobility allowance delay the exit from unemployment for workers affected by collective redundancy? First evidence relating to the province of Turin, Alberto Martini, Luca Mo Costabella. 2 December 2005;
- Seminar Subsidiarity in EU treaties and political institutions, Francesco Ingravalle. November 18, 2011;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in European Studies: Paranoia and politics. Cycle of seminars on the interaction between psychic life and political power. 11 - 19 November 2005;
- Seminar The secession of the provinces in Italy, Ferruccio Ponzano. 14 October 2005;
- Economic Science Association European Meeting - ESA 2005, 15 - 18 September 2005;
- Seminar It takes three to tango: skimming the cream off the hospital care market, Marcello Montefiori. June 30, 2005;
- Seminar A new model of inequity aversion, Stefania Ottone and Ferruccio Ponzano. June 30, 2005;
- Seminar The Italian approach to the European construction with particular reference to the figure of De Gasperi, Daniela Preda, author of the book "De Gasperi Federalista Europeo", Il Mulino, 2004.20 June 2005;
- Individual attitudes toward corruption: do social effects matter?, Roberta Gatti seminar. 4 June 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policies: Advertising as information, Stefania Ottone. May 31, 2005;
- Seminar Sources and methods of local historical research Sources from the courts for the construction of localities: the case of Ovada in the 17th century, L. Giana. May 27, 2005;
- Seminar within the Master's Degree in Economics and Public Policy: Coherence in the political economy of public finance, Stanley Winer, member of Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. May 19, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policy: The languages of divided power, Pasquale Pasquino. April 18 - May 31, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policies: Insurance market and asymmetric information, Marcello Montefiori. May 17, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policy: Transfers and altruistic punishments in third party punishment experiments, Stefania Ottone. May 13, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policies: Experimental cognitive economics and the analysis of learning processes, Marco Novarese and Francesca Cavallaro. May 13, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policy: The market for "lemons", Ferruccio Ponzano. May 10, 2005;
- Seminar Sources and methods of local historical research Identity, censuses, revisions: the case of Trieste, 1910, Guido Franzinetti. April 29, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policy: Rational Extremism, Ronald Wintrobe. University of Western Ontario, Canada. April 29, 2005;
- Seminar within the Specialist Degree in Economics and Public Policy: Crime and punishment, Ronald Wintrobe. University of Western Ontario, Canada April 21, 2005;
- Seminar Measures of income inequality, Vani Borooah (University of Ulster). April 14, 2005;
- Seminar Membership has its privileges - On the effects of delegating powers internationally, Stefan Voigt. March 4, 2005;
- Seminar Anticommunism/ anticommunisms March 4, 2005. The different anticommunisms in the first decades of the history of republican Italy (study meeting organized by the editorial staff of the Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea, a six-monthly magazine of the Institute for the history of resistance and contemporary society in province of Alessandria, with the patronage of the Polis department).
- ESF-NETWORK Seminar: the politics and history of European democratization (PHED) WORKSHOP 3: Representative democracy and the politics of gender. Einaudi Foundation, Turin. 18 and 19 February 2005;
- Seminar Wealth inequality in societies with equal opportunities. Fabio Privileggi. See Abstract on the website; February 4, 2005;
- Seminar Some results on the simulation of electoral systems, Guido Ortona. February 4, 2005;
- Does the mobility allowance delay unemployment for workers affected by collective redundancies? First evidence relating to the province of Turin, speakers prof. Alberto Martini and Dr. Luca Mo Costabella, 2005;
- Conference: Bosco delle Sorti, La Communa, Cassine 2004;
- Seminar The question of the "European people" between constitution and citizenship, Corrado Malandrino. December 22, 2004;
- Seminar day by Gabriella Silvestrini on "Juergen Habermas: cosmopolitanism and conflict" Démocratie et guerre, Christian Bouchindhomme. December 16, 2004;
- Seminar day by Gabriella Silvestrini on "Juergen Habermas: cosmopolitanism and conflict" Cosmopolitan law and the divided West, Leonardo Ceppa. December 16, 2004;
- Seminar day by Gabriella Silvestrini on "Juergen Habermas: cosmopolitanism and conflict" The theory of deliberative democracy, Massimo Cellerino. December 16, 2004;
- Seminar on Legislatures and government spending: evidence from democratic countries, Roberto Ricciuti (ICER). November 12, 2004;
- Seminar For a lexicon of "Politics” by Johannes Althusius, Corrado Malandrino and Francesco Ingravalle. 24 June 2004;
- Seminar Dealing with a constitution for Europe, Elena Paciotti. May 31, 2004;
- Seminar Historical premises and problems of the European economic-monetary union, Luca Enaudi. Jean Monnet Chair of Political Institutions of the European Union. 11 May 2004;
- Seminar "A beautiful mind" from fiction to reality: testimonies on John Nash and political applications of Game Theory, Gianfranco Gambarelli. The seminar is organized in collaboration with the DISTA (Department of Advanced Sciences and Technologies). April 27, 2004;
- Presentation of Martyrdom 2005, international year of microcredit, Sergio Bortolani. April 23, 2004;
- Seminar Martyrdom economics, Mario Ferrero. 2 April 2004;
- Seminar Economics of extremism 2: Rational suicide terror, Ronald Wintrobe. 2 April 2004;
- Seminar The choice of an optimal provision of public goods in a situation of imperfect intergovernmental competition, Ferruccio Ponzano. 12 March 2004;
- Seminar Problems of the State and problems of Europe starting from the political reflection of Friedrich Nietsche, Francesco Ingravalle. March 12, 2004;
- Presentation of the research of the Experimental Economics Laboratory AL.EX, Guido Ortona. February 27, 2004;
- Seminar The protection of intellectual property and access to drugs: the TRIPS Agreements, Gianpaolo Fanara. February 6, 2004;
- Seminar Rational addiction to cinema. A comparative analysis of five European countries, Roberto Zanola and Andrea Sisto. February 6, 2004;
- Seminar Reward and punishment in a dictator game experiment, Stefania Ottone. 6 February 2004;
- Seminar A simulation program of electoral systems, Guido Ortona and Marie-Edith Bissey. December 19, 2003;
- Seminar The employment impact of business investment incentives in declining areas, Daniele Bondonio. December 19, 2003;
- Seminar on Efficiency wages and endogenous supervision technology, Ferruccio Ponzano. June 20, 2003;
- Seminar The economic rationale for integrated tariffs in local public transport, Carla Marchese. June 20, 2003;
- Seminar Radicalization as a reaction to failure: an economic model of Islamic extremism, Mario Ferrero. 23 May 2003;
- Seminar The simulation of electoral systems, Guido Ortona. 23 May 2003;
- Seminar The allocation of the income tax among different levels of government, Ferruccio Ponzano; March 28, 2003;
- Seminar Financial participation schemes and productivity, Michela Gobbi; March 28, 2003;
International conferences
- International conference on "Introducing class actions in Europe: a comparative law and economics perspective" (prof. Alberto Cassone, prof. Carla Marchese, prof. Giovanni B. Ramello), 2007;
- Conference on Carlo Francesco Ferraris, Faculty of Political Sciences (prof. Corrado Malandrino), with the patronage and contribution of the Department, 2007;
- International workshop The simulation and other quantitative methodologies for the evaluation of electoral systems, in collaboration with the DISTA Department, (prof. Alberto Cassone, prof. Carla Marchese, prof. Guido Ortona), 4-5 June 2007.
- In cooperation with the Olivetti Foundation, international conference on Electoral behaviour, between rationality and emotions. Trends and interpretations: U.S.A., France, Italy, Alessandria, June 2006, (Dr. Gabriella Silvestrini)
- The Italian-French Workshops in Law and Economics, promoted with the support of the Italian-French University as part of a broader program of collaboration with the University of Rennes 1, 2006, (prof. Alberto Cassone, prof. Carla Marchese, prof. Giovanni Ramello);
- International conference on Information, intellectual property and economic welfare - The legacy to the Arrow-Nelson paradigm organized in collaboration with the Einaudi Foundation, Turin, 2006, (profs Alberto Cassone and Giovanni B. Ramello);
- ESA (Economics Science Association) international conference Alessandria, 15-18 September 2005, (prof. Alberto Cassone, prof. Guido Ortona, dr. Gianna Lotito, Marie-Edith Bissey, Anna Maffioletti, dr. Marco Novarese);
- Conference Christianity and Islam, yesterday and today, 13 December 2005, at the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, (Prof. Maurilio Guasco), funding from the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and the CR Foundation of Alessandria;
- Conference dedicated to Einstein's Peace, Inter-University Centre for Peace Studies of the three Piedmontese universities (Prof. Joerg Luther), Moncalvo (AT), 24 September;
- Conference Pio V in the society and politics of his time, 12-14 February 2004, headquarters, Bosco Marengo and Graduation Room Faculty of Political Sciences, proceedings published by Mulino, Bologna, in 2005 (prof. Maurilio Guasco and prof. Angelo Torre);
- Conference The time of Pius V, Pius V in time, 11-13 March 2004, locations, Bosco Marengo and Graduation Room Faculty of Political Sciences, proceedings published by Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, 2006 (prof. F. Cervini and prof. C. E. Spantigati);
- International conference The local political space in the modern and contemporary medieval age. Italian research and European references, (prof. Angelo Torre, prof. Joerg Luther, dr. Guido Franzinetti), 2004;
- European Science Foundation Conference, Alessandria and Turin, October 2004, Citizenship and the Politics of Gender, (prof. Simona Forti, prof. Maria Luisa Bianco, dr. Gabriella Silvestrini);
- Organization of a joint conference (March 2003) with the Einaudi Foundation and the Regional Council on European People / Peoples: a question of identity and / or of the Constitution? (profs Corrado Malandrino, Alberto Cassone, Maurilio Guasco, Joerg Luther, Gabriella Silvestrini);
- Workshop on Revolutions Old and New (6-7 June 2003) in collaboration with ICER (prof. Mario Ferrero);
- Organization of conference with the “L. Firpo” of Turin and Johannes Althusius-Geselllschaft of Dresden; International study day for the 400th anniversary of the first edition of J. Althusius's Politics, 1603-2003, Turin, 27 November 2003 (prof. Corrado Malandrino);
- International Conference on Federalism, Subsidiarity and Local Government between the European Union and Globalization (Prof. Corrado Malandrino), 2002;
- European Public Choice Society Meeting, Belgirate, April 4-7, 2002, (organizing committee: Profs Mario Ferrero, Alberto Cassone, Guido Ortona);
- 25th IAREP conference (International Association for Reseaarch in Economic Psychology), Belgirate 30 June-3 July 1999.
Useful Resources
Below is a collection of resources of interest for topics covered by the Institute of Public Policies and Collective Choices – POLIS
Online resources for economists
Inomics: The Internet Site for Economists. -
Collection of information and interesting links on topics of economics and finance. -
Collection of websites on economic topics. -
Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The London School of Economics and Political Science. -
Stockolm University - Institute for International Economic Studies. -
Harvard University. -
Cornell University - Economics and Statistics System. -
Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro" – Faculty of Economics (Novara). -
Università degli Studi di Padova – Department of Economic Sciences "Marco Fanno". -
Università degli Studi di Genova – Faculty of Economics -
Università degli Studi di Bologna - Faculty of Economics, Institutes and Economic Departments
Online publishers and journals
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Archive. -
The Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Eonomics. -
The Library of Congress. -
The international journal of news, ideas, opinion and analysis. -
Social Science Electronic Publishing.
Collections of Working papers
Complete texts of publications of the main journals, including economics. Available only via the University computers. -
The National Bureau of Economic Research: working paper on line - Available only via the University computers. -
International Centre for Economics Research: working papers series. -
A service providing information about working papers to the economics profession.
Financial Institutions and Stock Exchange Listings
Collection of information and services on the stock market.
News, analysis, funds, quotes, forums and chats. -
Kataweb: finance. -
Stock exchange and finance.
Specialist diplomas, advanced courses, Summer School
Diploma in Environmental and Health Economics - COREP
Diplomas organized by the Consortium for Research and Permanent Education - Torino. -
Diplomas - CORIPE Piemonte.
La storia di POLIS
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2011 - Relazione scientifica delle attività svolte
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2010 - Relazione scientifica delle attività svolte
- Documento PDF - 562.95 KB
1999 - 2014: Archivio dei Progetti di ricerca - POLIS
- Documento PDF - 575.77 KB
2014 - Promuovere e rendicontare le buone azioni: Fundraising e Bilancio Sociale, presentazione Biancu
- Documento PDF - 3.07 MB
2014 - Promuovere e rendicontare le buone azioni: Fundraising e Bilancio Sociale, presentazione Cassone
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3-4 Giugno 2010 “Necessità della natura?”
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2010 - Seminario Povertà mondiale e diritti umani, Thomas W.M. Pogge
- Documento PDF - 537.53 KB
2010 - PEARL Conference
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2010-VIII Workshop della Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale
- Zip Archive - 4.14 MB
2009 - European Workshop in Law, Economics and Collective Decision Making
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L'arma nucleare oggi e la sua proliferazione 2007
- Documento PDF - 557.72 KB
Working paper n.° 79 - LABOR
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Working paper n° 1 2009
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Working paper n°44
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Working paper novembre 2008
- Documento PDF - 286.06 KB
Working paper 10 luglio 2008
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Working paper giugno 2008
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Working paper maggio 2007
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Useful Links
Last modified 3 August 2022