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Requisites for enrolment and issue of clearance certificate

Degree course Economics, Management and Institutions (EMI 22/23)

Admission: unrestricted, subject to issue of clearance certificate by representative of Course Council, prof. Paolo Chirico (

Guidelines for issue of clearance certificate

For students with a three-year degree obtained in Italy, the release of the clearance authorisation is automatic for those who hold one of the following degrees; (ex DM 270/2004) L-16 (Administration and Organisation Studies), L-33 (Economic sciences), L-36 (Political sciences and International Relations, L-18 (Economics and Business Management), L-77 (Economics and Business Studies); (ex DM DM 509/1999) 15 (Political Sciences), 19 (Administration Studies), 28 (Economics). Regarding enrolment on the Economics course LM86choice of course of study in Economics LM76 (Law, Economics and Institutions), the Single-Cycle Master’s degree in Law (LMG-01) also enables automatic issue of the clearance authorisation.

For students with a three-year degree obtained in Italy but arriving from other degree programmes (other than those mentioned above), the release of the clearance certificate is subject to the verification of individual study plans and exams passed. In this case, a degree grade equal to or greater than 99/110 and the passing of at least one exam in the quantitative methods field and one in the economics field will constitute a preferential element (these exams must correspond to courses with credits corresponding to at least 60 hours of frontal teaching).

In the case of three-year study plans with no exams in the field of quantitative methods and economics (but with a degree mark higher than 99/110), prior to the release of the permit and based on the affinity of the degree class and specific course of study, one of the following two options will be imposed:

1. Contact with the teachers running EMI courses in the economic and quantitative fields to agree, before the start of the lessons, an additional study programme

2. passing a remedial test for economic skills (microeconomics) and / or one for skills in quantitative methods. For the academic year 2022-23. the dates of the two tests will be September 13, 2022, 9:00 am and a second date in November 2022 which will be announced in September 2022. The exam programs for the two remedial tests are as follows:

Quantitative Methods (coordinating prof. Loredana

Exam textbook: Claudio Mattalia, MATEMATICA PER L'AZIENDA, Second edition, G. Giappichelli Editore – Torino ISBN/EAN: 9788892133082. Students should prepare the following chapters only: chapter 1 - Insiemi e logica (only the section on ‘sets’, not ‘logic’); chapter 2 – Functions; chapter 3 – Limits and continuous functions; chapter 4 – differential calculus; appendix - Disequations

Micronomics (coordinating prof. Ferruccio Ponzano,

Exam textbook: Microeconomics by Besanko and Breautigam (all chapters). The remedial test will be an oral exam and based on knowledge of main arguments of microeconomics.

Further clarifications and information on the remedial test can be obtained by writing an email to the teachers in charge (see above.

For students with a three-year Bachelor’s degree obtained in Italy which does not figure in the degree programmes with automatic clearance and with a degree grade lower than 99/110, in the event of absence from the study plan of exams passed in the context of quantitative methods and / or economics, for the issuance of clearance it is mandatory to pass the remedial test (s) referred to in point b).

For students with a three-year degree from outside the EU who require clearance for the course in English (ECONOMY LM76 - "Law, Economics and Institutions"), issue of the clearance permit is subject to passing the international "GMAT" exam with a minimum grade of 550 points.

In the case of non-EU students, not already resident in Italy, the deadline for applications for the issue of clearance is August 31 of each academic year. This is in order to allow these students to have an adequate period of time to complete all the formalities required for entry into Italy and for enrolment, to find suitable accommodation, and be able to start attending classes regularly at the beginning of the academic year.

For students with a three-year Bachelor’s degree obtained outside the EU who require the authorisation for courses in Italian, the release of the permit follows the same guidelines set for students with a three-year degree obtained in Italy, with the addition of a preliminary online interview to verify their knowledge of the Italian language. It should also be remembered that for students with a qualification from outside the EU, if they are not already resident in Italy, the obligation to pass the Italian language test is still in force (administered by the university). This obligation exists for all students applying through the Universitaly portal.

Also in this case, for non-EU students who are not already resident in Italy, the deadline for accepting applications for the permit is August 31 of each academic year.

How to request the clearance permit

If the aforesaid requiremens are satisfied, the clearance document can be obtained by sending a request (after 22 August 2022) by e-mail to Prof. Chirico (

In the application message, state:

1) your date and place of birth

2) attach the pdf of the degree certificate or self-declaration with list of exams taken in the Bachelor’s programme (for UPO graduates, this latter certificate is not requested, instead simply stating the degree programme title and category

3) state which one of the four EMI tracks you intend to choose:

  • Management LM56 “Management  and Business Economics”
  • Management LM76 “Management and Economics of Organisations”
  • Economics LM56 “Economics, track of Economics and Public Policies”
  • Economics LM76 “Law, Economics and Institutions” (in English)

On the latter point, it should be noted that the LM56 Economics course "Economics: Economics and Public Policies" allows you to apply for access to all 5 binational degree options (Including Tampere (FIN), Friborg SUI, Rennes FRA and Paris Nanterre). The other 3 degree programmes, on the other hand, allow access to the binational degree of Masaryk Univ Brno (CK) only.

To request an orientation interview, questions on study paths and related job opportunities, bi-national degrees and European commission internships, contact prof. Bondonio (chair of the degree courses,

Recognition of exams

For an initial evaluation of any recognisable exams (which by ministerial regulation may only concern exams taken in other 1st level master's or master's degrees for exams with a similar title and exam programme, for a maximum of 60 ECTS), the students concerned must prepare a dossier that contains the title and programme of the exam taken and the corresponding title and exam programme (downloadable from the EMI site) of the EMI track you want to choose. It should also be noted that any exam (to be indicated at the student's choice) previously taken in another master's degree can be validated for the EMI elective course (provided that it corresponds to a number of at least 9 CFUs or a number of CFUs in any case corresponding to at least 60 hours of frontal teaching).

By sending this dossier to the person in charge of issuing the clearance permit (prof. Chirico, and to the chairof the degree course (prof. Bondonio,, it is possible to have an initial preliminary evaluation about possible recognition of exams already taken. This dossier will also be used after enrolment to submit a formal application for recognition of exams (where the details of the exams taken must be indicated).

Enrolment period

  • It is possible to enrol without paying a penalty fee from 1 September 2022 to 28 October 2022
  • It is possible to enrol by paying a penalty fee from 29 October 2022 to 20 December 2022

December 20, 2022 is the deadline to enrol in A.Y. 2022/2023.

After this date, for those who graduate in the next extraordinary session (from 02/01/2023 to 30/04/2023), it is possible to purchase single courses for the subjects of the second semester of the first year of EMI, paying a lump sum of €156 + € 330. These courses, when passed, will be recognised after enrolment at EMI for the A.Y. 2023/2024.

Enrolment guidelines (in English)

In order to enrol in the English programme in Law, Economics and Institution, within the Master’s degree in Economics, Management and Institutions (EMI), a GMAT test (with a score equal or above 550 points) is required for international students holding an undergraduate degree from universities located outside the European Union.

For international students who passed the GMAT test  (with a score >=550 points) and who require the issue of an Italian student VISA, the deadline to apply for enrolment is August 31. Such an early deadline is required in order to properly enable students to attend classes at the start of each academic year (third week of September).

For applications and enquiries, write to professor Daniele Bondonio (scientific coordinator of the master’s degree:


Last modified 4 October 2022