EQDL – The European Quality Driving Licence
Some general information
EQDL stands for European Quality Driving Licence, a certificate guaranteeing possession of the essential requisites of knowledge of concepts, legislation, methods and processes used in the world of Quality.
EQDL Start Certification
The EQDL Start certification is limited to the essential topics for a basic knowledge of Quality issues. It can be achieved by passing an exam in one of the three modules of the EQDL. The syllabus includes topics on:
- EQDL Start Module 1: i. The evolution and models of production systems; ii. The Organization as an open system; iii. Main Functions of the Organization; iv. The concept of process. Process approach; v. Main types of organizations;
- EQDL Start Module 2: i. The Supply Chain; ii. Customer and quality: Internal / External Quality; iii. Risk management (risk-based thinking) and high-level structure (HLS); iv. Safety and environmental management (basic concepts);
- EQDL Start Module 3: i. The evolution of quality in reference to the market and production models; ii. Modernisation of the Global / Local market; iii. Process and product innovation; iv. Continuous improvement (principle of Deming, Kaizen- Zairyo).
EQDL Certification
This includes the fundamental topics for a broad knowledge of Quality, at a basic level. Its syllabus consists of all three modules of EQDL Start.
For more details on the program, visit the page http://www.eqdl.it
Attached are the detailed programs of the modules.
Information relating to AICQ e-learning training courses for EQDL certification preparation are available on the AICQ website.
The certification has no expiry date. However, since there is a constant evolution of regulations and systems in the field of Quality, the version of the ISO 9001 standard to which reference is made is specified in the Certificate.
If you are a student of our University, have graduated from UPO within the last year, are enrolled in Alumni, or are an UPO employee and wish to take the EQDL exams at the AICA Test Centre of the Department, on the following page you will find the steps to follow.
If, on the other hand, you do not fall within any of these categories, are outside our University and not enrolled in any university course, you must go to these instructions
1) Payment of the exam
Log in to the Easy pagamenti portal (allow the use of popups on your browser).
The first time that you enter, registration is required, which is verified with a message to an email address indicated during registration.
Once the registration is complete, log in with the username and password chosen during registration and choose the menu 'Access the payment portal> Catalogs> ECDL and EQDL.
By clicking on your cart> EQDL, you select the product chosen according to your needs: EQDL Start single exam, EQDL kit with skill card and 3 modules, repurchase module for failed exam.
As indicated on the chosen category, you must specify the STUDENT ID (ENROLMENT) NUMBER and the CITY (e.g., Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli).
Continue on Go to Payment.
As a payment method, it is possible to download a PagoPA payment notice and print the bill, or proceed with the online payment by credit card, bank transfer, or postal order.
The fees are:
Skill card EQDL: free
EQDL Start: 36 euro
EQDL (skill card + 3 modules): 100 euro
On the PagoPA portal, the catalogue for the purchase of EQDL is not yet available.
2) Proof of payment
You must deliver proof of payment to the offices of the Computer Laboratory (Dott.ssa Lucia Padovani - Dott.ssa Michela Ciselli) or to the reception of Palazzo Borsalino.
Alternatively, you can send a scan or photo of the payment to lucia.padovani@uniupo.it
3) Booking the exams
You must book the exams you wish to take in the scheduled sessions, which are listed on the ECDL and EQDL exam session calendars page (Calendari delle sessioni d'esami ECDL ed EQDL.)
To book for the exam session you must write an email to lucia.padovani@uniupo.it indicating exactly which modules you wish to take.
On first registration, if you need to activate the skill card, you must also write your personal data: name, surname, tax code, street of residence, postcode, municipality, province, date of birth, town of birth, mobile phone, email.
Syllabus EQDL Start 2
- Documento PDF - 370.84 KB
Syllabus EQDL Start 3
- Documento PDF - 372.73 KB
Syllabus EQDL Start 1
- Documento PDF - 62.5 KB
Last modified 22 July 2022